Culture Wars/Current Controversies

Trump supporters just doxxed thousands of anti-racist protesters as part of a disturbing harassment campaign

More of the usual nonsense. The bottom line is that nothing productive will ever be achieved until dissidents and radicals are able to move past the usual left/right, red/blue, Nazi/Antifa, white privilege/Jewish conspiracy, free market/more government paradigms, and recognize that the fight is against a global system that is opposed to ALL OF US.

By Noor Al-Sibai

ersonal information belonging to thousands of anti-Trump and anti-racist protesters has been released by pro-Trump users on the 4chan message board,

The thread, which was posted on Thursday under the subject line “ANTIFA GETS DOXXED,” links to an organized Pastebin database full of information about the places of employment, home addresses, telephone numbers, emails and social media accounts of thousands of people involved in anti-Trump protests.

The Pastebin database, the report noted, has been making the rounds in pro-Trump circles online since at least April, when they released the information of roughly 3,000 people. Now, there are thousands more on the list, which has “easily tripled in size.”

The information appears to be gathered from a range of sources, including, an organizing platform for anti-fascists, the BAMN pro-immigrant coalition and ShareBlue, a social publishing platform run by former Hillary Clinton staffer Peter Daou.

The text of the database claims that many of the “antifa” whose information they hacked are “predominantly school teachers, programmers and professors.” They also claim many are associated with “a major Bolshevik organization,” likely referring to people associated with large socialist organizations like Democratic Socialists of America or the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
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Claims of a singular “antifa” organization or of “Bolshevik” groups are “basically gibberish,” BuzzFeed notes, as there is no unified or centralized group of anti-fascist organizers. This description does, however, push “a popular conspiracy theory on far-right messageboards that anti-fascist activists are actually well-organized agents working for a cabal of globalist elites.”


4 replies »

  1. What do you mean no conspiracy? George Soros funds dozens of these groups all by himself. Those Billionaires who say they hate socialism are the biggest donors of Hillary and her pals pushing this. They all have their monies offshore and get paid not through paychecks but capital gains, so that democratic socialism doesn’t cost them but actually keeps any small competitors under a giant pile of useless regulations to keep their happy little trusts and monopolies gouging you all day and for the foreseeable future. Crony Capitalism isn’t just sweet no-bid contracts bub. Its keeping competitors from competing, protecting their monopoly and even subsidizing their help that clean their giant mansions and mowing their huge lawns with your tax dollars. Corporate welfare and other welfare only help the Rich. The poor are the serfs that keep them in gold garnished steaks while you eat beans and ramen soup.

    • Even government schools are just a way to offload the cost of finding and training entry level workers onto taxpayers, who get nothing out of it but babysitting abs stupid kids.

  2. “The bottom line is that nothing productive will ever be achieved until dissidents and radicals are able to move past the usual left/right, red/blue, Nazi/Antifa, white privilege/Jewish conspiracy, free market/more government paradigms, and recognize that the fight is against a global system that is opposed to ALL OF US.”
    So, never, at least until political, economic and demographic chaos erode the reasons these groups exist.

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