4 replies »

    • Jews lie about WWII and the holohoax, same as usual. This guy is some overintellectualizing boring shill, trying to reframe narratives I guess, if anyone can stay awake.

    • Who still believes this stinking lying shit used by the most evil people on earth, where torture was used to get “confessions”.

      Don’t you get the nature of those fucking rats?

      “The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population”

      • Most people have read nothing ever written by Revisionist historians and so only know what Holywood and the countless torture porn accounts by self proclaimed “survivors”. After reading a huge book by Arthur Butz back in the mid nineties the scales fell from my eyes and it was no longer possible to take any mainstream TV show or book about WWII seriously .

        That being said I do not believe the Holohoax makes a whole ethnic group, Jews, the most evil people on earth. Some of the elites such as the Rothschilds, the the Israeli government, Mossad, Zionists like Samuel Untermeyer, ADL, AIPAC, Talmudic Rabbis, and those bastards who started the whole NeoCon thing.. sure all evil as f*@k.

        But the average person born into that cult cannot be held accountable for the actions of the elites. Same as rank and file masons or are always the most ignorant and brainwashed regarding those in the highest degrees.

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