American Decline

Progressive District Attorneys Radically Change Rule of Law in California Cities

Whatever the relationship between the policies of these “progressive prosecutors” and crime rates, it needs to be pointed out that the present surge in crime rates began during the same period as the pandemic and its related social and economic effects. Whatever one’s positions on criminal justice or “law and order” issues, it also needs to be pointed out that the things being described in this article are “normal” in “Third World” countries, and the USA is presently becoming a Third World society in terms of poverty rates, class relations, institutional corruption, tribal/sectarian conflict, declining life expectancy, political violence, and a range of other indicators that are used by social scientists to gauge the condition of a society.

By Brad Jones Epoch Times

LOS ANGELES—Amid a wave of “smash-and-grab” robberies and other crimes, a former prosecutor is claiming that more than 50 prosecutors, support, and victim services staff have quit their jobs over San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s progressive criminal justice reform policies.

“The office is imploding,” said the former prosecutor, who produced the list of those who’ve left their jobs since Boudin was sworn into office on Jan. 10, 2020.

“Not all of them quit, but most of them quit. Some were fired,” said the individual, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal. “The list isn’t up to date. I think more have left.”

Boudin fired seven prosecutors during his second day on the job.

Another former investigative supervisor sued Boudin for wrongful termination last month, claiming retaliation for calling out “improper and unlawful actions” by two prosecutors.

Boudin’s office hasn’t responded to inquiries by The Epoch Times.

The individual also cited a Sept. 24 court proceeding during which Superior Court Judge Bruce Chan raised concerns about actions taken in the District Attorney’s Office.


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