Religion and Philosophy

An incredible success story for Catholic evangelization

Dear Friend,

Word on Fire launched the Works of Mercy Fund initiative in April of this year to allow our evangelization efforts to reach the poor and marginalized. And we couldn’t be more pleased to announce that the fundraiser was a complete success, surpassing our stretch goal by raising more than $360,000!

Thanks to the loving compassion of our donors, the Works of Mercy Fund is allowing Word on Fire to distribute our evangelization materials for free to communities, individuals, and volunteers who most need them—hospital, military, and prison chaplains, nursing facilities, recovery centers and numerous parishes in poor and rural areas.

We wish to thank everyone who supported this fund from the bottom of our hearts. If you didn’t have a chance to participate but would like to be a part of this worthy cause, you may still make a gift.

Our warehouse is currently at work fulfilling requests for our books and DVDs at no cost for people in need, and we couldn’t be happier to see our evangelization materials reach so many people on the margins with the message of Christ’s love and mercy.

We are receiving numerous messages filled with gratitude from those on the receiving end of these donations, and our donors deserve all the credit. The response to this campaign is a testament to the passion that our supporters have for evangelization, and we are blessed to facilitate the extension of their generosity.

God bless you,

The Word on Fire Team

P.S. Make a gift today to help us send even more books, DVDs, and study guides to those who will most benefit from them.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, PO Box 97330, Washington, DC 20090-7330, United States

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