Left and Right

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Libertarianism and the “Alt-Right”

Apparently, Hoppe is still taking the paleo line as far as advancing libertarianism is concerned. I am increasingly skeptical of this idea given that most rightists seem to be tribal-nationalists first and/or cultural traditionalists first, and libertarians at best a distant second (or third, fourth, or not at all). The more popular the alt-right/alt-lite has become the more it has moved away from libertarianism. Of course, I am also increasingly skeptical of the ability of any kind of serious anarchism to emerge from the Left as well given that most left anarchists are leftists first and anarchists second (or third, fourth, or not at all).

5 replies »

  1. Glad you see that serious anarchism from the left. Given their treatment of you, I’m surprised you aren’t far more critical of the left. You say, most left anarchists are leftists first and anarchist second (or third or fourth or not at all.) I think most left anarchists are marxoids (cultural or classical) and not anarchists at all. If not they are utterly useless anarcho-social democrats like Chomsky or harmless centrist ancaps like Caplan.

    You likewise say that “most rightists seem to be tribal-nationalists first and/or cultural traditionalists first, and libertarians at best a distant second (or third, fourth, or not at all).” Was the “at best” really necessary?

    With the right, tribal nationalism is merely obstacle to forming alliances between groups. White genocide is real and ongoing and bad, but it is not unique to whites, indigenous peoples are being deracinated and murdered everywhere, as are blacks. I was hoping that the once thoughtful alt-right would form alliances with indigenous rights groups in the third world latin america. I was hopeful when Amren brought a Mexican speaker. Cultural traditionalists are more interested in treating the symptoms and not the cause, which is mass society.

    The left’s main goal of universal social equality is antithetical to liberty and self-determination, and must be opposed just like the warfare-welfare police/surveillance state, and not tolerated within anarchism. I’d advocate non-violent repressive tolerance against sjws to a similar degree that they do against us, but not to the extent that it distracts us from our enemy the state.

    Outreach to the left is more or less pointless. If non-sjw libertarians come from the left it is because their leftism is moderated by reality, or they were more devoted to side issues (Gay Marriage, Organic Food), or they were ejected for micro aggressions, or it was completely by accident.

    And also Pinochet did nothing wrong. Neither did Ted Kaczynski.

    • “Glad you see that serious anarchism from the left. Given their treatment of you, I’m surprised you aren’t far more critical of the left. ”

      Haha! They’ve actually helped me a great deal. I’m easily 10 times more “famous” than I otherwise would be if it weren’t for the anarcho-leftoids.

      I wrote a whole book bashing the Left. There was a review of it in AmRen: https://www.amren.com/features/2016/11/an-anarchist-we-can-work-with-censorship-political-correctness/

      • That book review was where I first heard of you. I never bought your book. Mainly because at the time, I was too anti-communist to pay for a book by a left anarchist, even if it got positive reviews from AmRen. I realized you weren’t just another leftist when Tom Woods had you on his show to talk about Charlottesville. You might consider yourself “To the left of the left of the left” but I’d say you are one of the very few people who has more or less transcended the left-right paradigm. Many people have claimed to be beyond left and right, but most are firmly on one side. But you still have a tiny residual bias towards the left, and it shows blatantly in your commentary on Hoppe’s speech.

        • “But you still have a tiny residual bias towards the left, and it shows blatantly in your commentary on Hoppe’s speech.”

          That’s likely true. I’ve written a great deal of both praise and criticism of Hoppe over the years. Cases in point:


          Although I get accused of right-wing bias as well, even by some commentators on this site. For example: https://attackthesystem.com/2017/08/14/some-initial-thoughts-on-charlottesville/#comment-218794

          I actually enjoyed listening to Hoppe’s speech a great deal. But it does seem to me that the paleolibertarian line that Rothbard and Rockwell developed in the early 90s, and that Hoppe still pushes, has its limitations (as well as its benefits). Rockwell himself renounced paleoism during the GWB years on the grounds that conservatives were ultimately “red state fascists” at heart, and therefore useless as far as any serious anti-state politics is concerned. That’s kind of how it seems to me at present now that Trump is president. However, it could be argued that paleoism was temporarily vindicated when the Ron Paul moment happened. Yet since then libertarianism has faded once again, and the libertarians have split into the alt-right and SJW camps. Some former Ron Paul libertarians have gone “full fash” as they say, and others are now pushing the SJW and even antifa line. I put on the alt-right hat for a while myself, at least peripherally, but the more polarized US politics has become the more the alt-right seems to be moving away from any kind of anti-statism or libertarianism (though they may reverse this after Charlottesville).

          More recently, I’ve been moving towards a radical centrist or anti-ideological position which I tend to think is probably more consistent with my pan-anarchist perspective:

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