Political Correctness/Totalitarian Humanism

Fuck white nationalists.

[Take note of their site header & artwork.]

By Mojo

Loathe though I am to attack anyone on my blogroll, especially those who link to me, thus providing me with sweet, sweet traffic (the electronic ambrosia that all narcissists bloggers seek), the time has come for me to say a big fuck you to the white nationalists among us.

Look, I’m a contrarian. I am naturally inclined to question, to satirize, and to cynically tear down other people’s efforts – most of all whatever society, and especially the state, declares to be truth. But any unfalsifiable belief with a significant following – otherwise known as a cult – is fair game for my poison pen.

First, let’s discuss what we agree on. Let’s talk about political correctness. PC is problematic, because in establishing one unquestionable truth, alternative views are stamped out, either through state coercion or social pressure – hard or soft control over free thought and expression.

As an individualist, I rebuke the suggestion that I or anyone else should simply fall in line with any belief whatsoever just because it’s what the crowd thinks. I even have an problem verbalizing assent to popular mantras that seem reasonable – equality of opportunity, for instance – because all the people who speak enthusiastically about these things are dead-eyed zombie stormtroopers, little Eichmanns congenitally predisposed to obey their masters and zealously attack anyone who jars their precious worldview by having an independent thought.

I hate them.

If you can understand that, then you’ll understand why I was open-minded towards those who stood against multiculti and open borders insanity. Yes, whites are being depopulated and/or ‘race-replaced’ within their own countries by left (and right)-wing governments and NGOs intent on destroying white cultures. Yes, the mainstream media deliberately upholds racial double standards, routinely covering up for black flash mobs. Yes, government departments fudge the stats to make it appear that black crime is lower than it is, and claim that whites need to be disadvantaged through “affirmative” action because society is RACIST.

All of this is true and more. The anti-racist lobby, which government and society looks to for moral guidance on all issues of race, consists of the most virulently racist people on the planet – hypocrites to a man, they hold a deep hatred for Caucasians that by far outweighs white historical prejudice.

That’s all true, and, to a point, does justify white nationalism. White people have the right to defend themselves, to secure their existence and their future – just like every other race of people. Nobody questions the right of black people to secure their existence and future. It would be un-PC to suggest that black people don’t have every right to do this. The same holds true for every race except for whites.

And yes indeed, if you’re white then you can’t bring any of these issues up without someone pointing fingers at you and shouting DAS RACIST. Here’s how the establishment typically deals with these matters:

It’s the zealotry and hypocrisy of the establishment that made me add a bunch of white nationalist blogs to my blogroll – I want to hear other views, particularly heretical ones. I suspect the establishment has decreed them heretical because they disseminate their own truths, which threaten to undermine the official narrative.

Everything I’ve talked about above is true enough and worthy of outrage. But then we get onto the white nationalists themselves.

You guys are a bunch of fucking fruit loops, and you go too far.

When you’re criticizing the system for being racist against your people, about the dumbest thing you can do is to commit the same offence. I took Metapedia off my links list when I realized it’s just anti-Jew shit, and not the kind of alternative encyclopedia proposed by Mencius Moldbug.

The last straws for me were the following comments at Mindweapons in Ragnarok. Ryu gives insight into how his white utopia will be administered:

Alot of people want a white ethnostate without wanting what its going to take to achieve and maintain it. It will be a military state, as the rest of the world opposes it. It will be totalitarian, in our favor.

Mindweapon on Jared Taylor’s tolerance for miscegenation:

I sure disagree with him about outlawing race-mixing. I would outlaw it, and the punishment would be deportation. Actually, in my ethnostate, race mixing would be all but impossible, but anyone who did it would be deported to some rainbow state.

I had hoped that white nationalists weren’t just neo-Nazi boneheads, but here they are gleefully plotting new, racially pure, totalitarian regimes.

If your ideal society doesn’t let me speak my mind and fuck whichever consenting adults I please, then you’ve already lost me.

Speaking of which, the other reason I can’t really abide white nationalistsis their following mantra:

Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.

Behold, the beauty of the White Aryan woman:

You can try to tell me that feminism is an invention of the Great ZOG and those poor, misandric white women are just brainwashed idiots, but that doesn’t really make sense when you consider 1) white women are grown adults who make their own decisions, and are accountable for making bad ones, and 2) Judaism itself is becoming increasingly feminized.

Nobody is brainwashed. How individuals behave is ultimately a matter of personal choice. Needless to say, I’m not about to join you in your moral crusade to save the beauty of the White Aryan woman. I’d rather reap the benefits of immigration and deep-dick Asian hotties, if it’s all the same to you. Which, of course, it’s not. But fuck you, so there.

Exotic beauties: the fatal flaw in the white nationalist’s plans for world domination.
There’s a very good reason why white nationalists don’t need to feel guilty about popping covert boners over Eastern babes like Misa Campo: their own women are easily tempted by black men. I don’t mean white women; I mean white nationalist women. Here are some quotes from white nationalist women, that Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Tech preserved:
Sorry, fellas – it’s not women that have to please you – you have to please, and lure in women.

Yup. It’s true. My 9 year old nephew has better social skills, than do 90% of you.


As a White American Woman. Who talks to a lot of other White American women. Who have HAD IT with snarky, juvenile, insulting socially-cretinous WN men.


Many, many of the comments reveal the precise nature of the problem – the boorishness, childishness, and social inpetitude of American males.

Once again, fellas – the onus is on YOU to please women. Not the other way around. Ghetto Negroes have better wooing, and flirtation skills, than so many White males. A lot of you guys are beyond pathetic. You really have nothing to offer females of any Race. A lot of you have very little money, and you are not as physically attractive as you flatter yourselves to be.

Somehow, I don’t get the feeling that these particular white nationalist women are outliers. And yet white nationalist men will continue to supplicate to them.

To be a chivalrist in an age of female sexual licence is to ask to be cuckolded. And that’s why I could never belong to a movement so strongly reeking of betatude. I am sure that the white nationalist preoccupation with miscegenation is really a fear of the black man/white woman pair bonding. Check out Ryu’s comment at Eradica:

That’s been one of the biggest changes I’ve seen in myself since becoming a WN – a visceral reaction to white women with men of other races. I believe that this “disgust” is one of best tells for checking if a man is a WN or not. It’s like a giant middle finger in the face of the white man.

Strangely enough, I don’t feel that a black man with a white woman is a giant middle finger in my face, but I suppose that’s because I’m ZOG or a member of the Frankfurt School or whatever other ridiculous conspiracy white nationalists will pull out of their pasty asses to justify their claims.

There’s also the fact that white nationalists want white women to trap white men with ‘oops’ pregnancies, which, as a man, I find abhorrent. It’s pretty obvious that white nationalists have no actual regard for the autonomy and liberty of white people whatsoever – at least, not for white men.

It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s feminists or white nationalists who make me pay child support for a kid I didn’t want – the end result does not work in my favor. Speaking of which, the Women’s Ku Klux Klan was basically a precursor to modern feminism in its language, ideas and action, and the WKKK and Suffragette movements were heavily connected – not something you’ll ever hear a third-wave genderslut admit to, obviously.

A friend to misandry is no friend of mine. It’s a shame, because some of the basic white nationalist ideas make sense, but the people behind the movement are just as deluded and cultlike as the activists responsible for radical multiculturalism and open borders immigration policy. The tipping point for me is that, as one who is prone to scepticism regarding received wisdom, I would not be tolerated in their totalitarian white utopia.

95 replies »

  1. What a crude, vulgar and low-brow post. It reads as though it’s written by a frustrated teenager in the middle of puberty. I had hoped that this website would maintain higher standards, based on my first impression, but I’ll remove it from my bookmarks now.

  2. Actually, the very existence of White Nationalism is a reason why white men don’t get laid. Women fear that their “half-breed”children will not be accepted in white society. OTOH, children of black fathers ARE accepted in black society. A black man who pursues white women and gets into trouble can call in his black friends. A white man who pursues black women and gets into trouble CAN’T call in his white friends. WN is sexual self-sabotage.

    • Actually, mixed children of black fathers aren’t that well accepted in black society. As soon as there is a dispute and the fur starts flying accusations of the mulatto “nor being black enough” or “being a half-bred” start being thrown about..

      A black man who pursues white women and calls his buddies to bail him out is a sexual predator that should be removed from society.

      A White man who pursues black women is not worthy of having any white male friends.

      • Most “black” people that aren’t ‘dark as night black’ have European DNA. Even “black leaders” like Oprah, Chris Rock and Morgan Freeman have nearly 50% European DNA. The majority of the African american population probably has European DNA. Race is a complicated subject to understand unlike racism which is rather simple because it’s based on a superficial understanding of race…primarily skin color.

        I could never call myself a WN because I think it’s a simple-minded descriptor unless you’re an Albino… It would be like Asians calling themselves Light Yellow Nationalists and Mexicans calling themselves Tanish-Orange Nationalists. If a specific group of people had purple skin would they call themselves Purple Nationalists? Who would laugh?

        I’m a bigger fan of people being more specific when supposedly representing their cultural heritage in a respectful manner which I find very little of among WN’s. Most WN’s are basically non-radical statists and capitalist consumeroid replicas of the people they want to separate from. Hell, I live in a county that’s 90% ‘white’ and the last time I saw a black person was a few weeks ago. [He was speeding away in his car probably in search of other black people..] Does that make it Valhalla on Earth? Fuck no…

        If WN’s no longer want to be the focal point of an article like Mojo’s they should probably drop the superficial utopian ideologies, the obsession with Jews and the statism, then take a look at something like National Anarchism…

        • RVDH: “If a specific group of people had purple skin would they call themselves Purple Nationalists?”

          Ah, how the mind does shudder at this sort of thing. Purple people, my heavens!

          Look, ADHD, white nationalism is a straightforward concept. It’s the rather clear proposition that whites require their own sovereignty and independence, controlling their own institutions, and living under their own laws. No need to bring Purple People Eaters into it, or the Bogeyman for that matter.

          And it’s not for ALL whites, but merely those who wish to live there, assuming they meet whatever additional entrance requirements the white ethnostate may (or may not) seek to impose. You know, that sovereignty thing?

          Obfuscation and red herrings don’t change a simple point: we want our own country, just as many other peoples around the world. Of course, since you can’t refute a reasonable claim, you are thereby forced into nonsense and misrepresentation.

          Speaking of nonsense, if I said that it should be up to the Japanese to determine who is Japanese, or the Apache to determine who is Apache, I doubt that I would stir up any controversy whatsoever. It would seem perfectly normal and natural. But if I proclaim white nationalism, which I certainly do, I’m soon beset by the Aspergers Brigade, drooling and incoherent, who suddenly go into the act of “Who is white anyway? What about high yellow red boned pygmies who have turned albino? And ….uh… purple people, what about them!? I demand that you address the problem of purple people, or white nationalism is illegitimate!”

          And you wonder why we want our own country? Just to be separated from the Aspergery clowns and drooling morons is quite motivation enough, putting aside the whole replacement, rape and murder of our people.

          In any event, one of the main points of sovereignty is determining who can and can’t enter one’s homeland. The fact that our entrance requirements will include, but most assuredly will not be limited to, ethnic background shouldn’t exactly give you the vapors, though I’m sure it does. So either get out the smelling salts, or just relax and think of England. You’ll get over it.

          • “Obfuscation and red herrings don’t change a simple point: we want our own country, just as many other peoples around the world. Of course, since you can’t refute a reasonable claim, you are thereby forced into nonsense and misrepresentation.”

            I didn’t realize I was trying to refute a reasonable claim… I must admit that I enjoy pushing people’s buttons and I want to thank you for taking the bait. Your reply was kind of long and somewhat funny but on the whole is not really about anything I typed. I’m an anti-statist and have no problem with people forming role-playing communities of any sort. (That doesn’t mean role-playing communities are beyond criticism.)

            “Speaking of nonsense, if I said that it should be up to the Japanese to determine who is Japanese, or the Apache to determine who is Apache, I doubt that I would stir up any controversy whatsoever. It would seem perfectly normal and natural. But if I proclaim white nationalism, which I certainly do, I’m soon beset by the Aspergers Brigade, drooling and incoherent, who suddenly go into the act of “Who is white anyway? What about high yellow red boned pygmies who have turned albino? And ….uh… purple people, what about them!? I demand that you address the problem of purple people, or white nationalism is illegitimate!”

            Speaking of nonsense, eh? You’re equating ‘white’ with Japan (a country) and Apache (a tribe) but I guess you already know that…. WN takes many of the worst attributes of Europeans, then lumps them into one category, completely ignoring the various cultural norms and customs of the people. Do I want to live in a community where men build paper-mache Hitlers in their garages and talk about how Jews are so inferior (besides for that controlling the whole world thing…how the fuck?) all day long….yes, who wouldn’t??

            Anyway, let’s pretend your comparative sentence actually made some sense and then take a look at a real WN organization. Northwest Front, on their very clean and neat public relations website says, “We don’t stand for hating people, we stand for freeing people, our people, from a yoke of tyranny and oppression that has become impossible for us to live with.” Further investigation reveals the site is loaded with comments similar to these fine specimens:

            “I suppose it is no surprise that all neggers are stupid, liars and thieves and not one of them will ever be different. He most likely thought that plagiarism wasn’t stealing. Of course there had to be a jew behind that stupid nigger. I’m surprised he could figure out how to tie his own shoes. Marching, Looting and Killing is exactly appropriate for that nigger.”

            “For fuck sakes, why the fuck can’t we manage to pop our heads out from the computer, the niggers have flash mobs and we cower and hide in a fucking corner. Tehy are what 14 or so percent of the US and 8 percent of Canada we can get rid of them if we like in certain areas and if we take a stand in doing so we might get a couple of people to stand up and join us. How about it boys and girls? I’m willing, the question is are you? We don’t need weapons to do this but they are ideal to have incase things get violent.”

            “I’ve long thought climate was responsible for White ingenuity. Without long-term planning, we’d never have survived the winters. We had to do a lot of what I call “sitting and thinking” as well as acting on those thoughts. Having solved one problem, we naturally move on to the next, unlike the niggers, that particularly ugly species of ape. All they ever needed was to build a mud hut and wait for fruit to fall from the trees, plus the occasional monkey to come within range of a spear. They never developed intelligence because they didn’t need to.”

            “Its mostly mestizos in this state. Not to many niggers although I’m not considering that a blessing. These damn swamp rats litter the hell out of the hiking trails and camping areas and completely destroy once nice neighborhoods. Most of Denver might as well be mexico city.”

            [I could quote on and on…]

            You know, now that I think about it your comparison makes much more sense because we all know the Japs want to kill themselves some niggers, right? The Apaches never shut up about wanting to kill niggers…. Apaches actually say ‘nigger’ in every fourth sentence they speak because it’s a tribal custom that’s been passed on from generation to generation. Native Americans in general are widely recognized for harping on about niggers and instigating race wars.

            So logically speaking, it’s hypocritical for people to support the Japs and Apaches for doing what they want while not supporting White Nationalists for doing the same because all 3 groups want to kill some niggers. I have no idea why White Nationalism is generally seen as a joke, treated with such disrespect and shatted upon in various other manners by 99% of the human population of Earth when all EVERYONE wants to do is kill some niggers.

            WN’s shouldn’t have to adopt the non-aggression principle because they’re such trustworthy and respectable fellas. It’s just a damn shame that Mojo would go and offend them like he did…

            • ADHD: “I must admit that I enjoy pushing people’s buttons and I want to thank you for taking the bait.”

              Goshdarnit, foiled again! I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids.

              ADHD: ” You’re equating ‘white’ with Japan (a country) and Apache (a tribe) but I guess you already know that…. WN takes many of the worst attributes of Europeans, then lumps them into one category, completely ignoring the various cultural norms and customs of the people.”

              Tribes form as tribes form. Identities form as identities form. Does a Vietnamese have to prove to you that “being Vietnamese” is legitimate, as opposed to being just a cheap knockoff of Chinese? Of course not. Only whites are denied an identity. We are attacked as whites, vilified as whites, discriminated against as whites, and are being replaced as whites. Anti-white policies and memes abound. But when we seek to defend ourselves, it’s the same old game: “White? What in the world is that? How could you possibly have your own nation, since you don’t exist…except when we are attacking and vilifying you?”

              Being attacked one minute, and then having your very existence denied the next, is just a bit too Alice in Wonderland for my taste.

              ADHD: “You know, now that I think about it your comparison makes much more sense because we all know the Japs want to kill themselves some niggers, right? The Apaches never shut up about wanting to kill niggers…”

              Yes, the Japanese have such a peaceful history. Just ask the women of Nanking. And then remember….damn, I forgot. The Apaches, well, they are most famous for their peaceful ways. Practically Amish-like, they are. Every time I see an injun, I am always impressed by the saintly aura that surrounds them.

              But hey, since they are non-white, they get a pass no matter how bloodthirsty their history. Only whites are held accountable for past violence. All non-white guilt is expiated, but white guilt is, much like herpes, forever.

              It’s all a joke, dude. And while I don’t expect the average moron to easily figure all of this out, it’s beyond pathetic that someone who sees himself, as you clearly do, as something of a rebel or at least a freethinker, to not only drink the kool aid, but to celebrate it. What a laugh. You offer nothing but regurgitated system pablum, nothing that anyone couldn’t get off of an after school special. What a rebel. Edgy man, like mind blowing.

              As to various jerkoffs within the white nationalist scene, I’m in full agreement with you. Plenty of them, but then again all political movements attract more than a fair share of fruitballs and nutcases. Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of highly intelligent, thoughtful and decent people in white nationalism. But forget that, attacking straw men is much more fun. Easy too!

              • “Tribes form as tribes form. Identities form as identities form. Does a Vietnamese have to prove to you that “being Vietnamese” is legitimate, as opposed to being just a cheap knockoff of Chinese? Of course not. Only whites are denied an identity. We are attacked as whites, vilified as whites, discriminated against as whites, and are being replaced as whites. Anti-white policies and memes abound. But when we seek to defend ourselves, it’s the same old game: “White? What in the world is that? How could you possibly have your own nation, since you don’t exist…except when we are attacking and vilifying you?”

                lol, It’s not about the Vietnamese proving to me that they’re legitimate… The Vietnamese are from Vietnam which contains many sub-cultures, the Japanese are from Japan which also contains many sub-cultures, white people are from a variety of places and they do (or did) have a variety of cultures in many regions. White Nationalists, who represent a very small group of people, are basically white multiculturalists who have bastardized their own cultures and then claim that as an identity.

                “Yes, the Japanese have such a peaceful history. Just ask the women of Nanking. And then remember….damn, I forgot. The Apaches, well, they are most famous for their peaceful ways. Practically Amish-like, they are. Every time I see an injun, I am always impressed by the saintly aura that surrounds them.

                But hey, since they are non-white, they get a pass no matter how bloodthirsty their history. Only whites are held accountable for past violence. All non-white guilt is expiated, but white guilt is, much like herpes, forever.”

                That wasn’t my point and I’m not surprised you missed it… You’re surprised people aren’t accepting you into the fold as a legitimate group when the very essence of WN seems to be a healthy hate for everything non-white. The fact of the matter is that WN is the reason why WN will always fail and never be accepted. You don’t have a monopoly on “Europeanism” and most (somewhat normal) assholes who respect and wish to preserve or revive what’s left of their own culture will have no problem leaving you guys in the dust.

                “As to various jerkoffs within the white nationalist scene, I’m in full agreement with you. Plenty of them, but then again all political movements attract more than a fair share of fruitballs and nutcases. Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of highly intelligent, thoughtful and decent people in white nationalism. But forget that, attacking straw men is much more fun. Easy too!”

                I know that there are some intelligent people in the WN scene and I’m quite familiar with many of the WN groups… The problem is that the majority of the people in the WN scene are moronic sloths and their viewpoints have and always will dominate public perception. Believe it or not, I’ve been called a White Nationalist and a White Supremacist on more than one occasion… The real difference between me and those groups is that I don’t feel the need to blame other races every time my chainsaw doesn’t start or my shoe becomes untied. Saying, “We have the right to be able to preserve our own people! We are no different than the Africans, Asians, Eskimos and Anatarcticans! Oh and by the way, Heil Hitler!” and then crying about not being treated respectfully is worth a laugh or two.

                • Personally, by my experience, I’ve been turned off by the behavior of nazi skinheads. They tore off my Thor’s Hammer. (Incidentally I don’t wear one currently, in fact losing interest in Asatru as a belief…)

                  As far as WNs go, I’ll just keep them at arms length for now. After my experience with skinheads, I’d rather not let my guard down.

                • Now if you want to make an argument that WN hurts the white race, that’s at least worth replying to.

                  Which WN? The silly heads who march in the streets wearing period dress? I would agree on that. The ones who get involved in violence plots and get busted by the feds? Yes, those people are also harmful.

                  But WN 2.0, where we put our heads together and work to solve the problems that the white race faces, is what needs to be done. I don’t see how it can be any more harmful than doing nothing.

                  At it’s root, the WN 2.0 is about sharing ideas and propagating memes. What ideas and what memes?

                  The 14 words is our founding principle:

                  We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children.

                  How do we do that? Well, as Thomas Hardy said:

                  If a path to the better there be, it begins with a full look at the worst.

                  So what is the worst? The worst begins with white children being raised in single parent households with low investment parenting in front of the television and video games, fed junk food, and taught to hate learning in the public schools. That’s it in a nutshell, that’s the enemy. That is what we must overcome.

                  White children need high investment parenting, food that doesn’t turn them into land whales, education that doesn’t make them fanatic idiocrats, a measure of drudge work that teaches them to value education and striving, and a life that is more about doing real things than sitting in front of electronics.

                  This is what we are striving to provide for future generations of White children.

            • “Northwest Front”

              Ah…the good’ol NF. 🙂 Their podcast is one of my favorites. Entertaining novels, good music, Axis Sally, absolute zero cultural marxism and full frontal honesty about politics = violence. What is there not to like?

              You really, really must have dug deep to find those gems you posted. I have visited their site several times and was actually surprised at the level and erudition of the conversation there.

              Check the title of Mojo’s post. I guess “Fuck You!” is only considered polite when its a Libertarian/Anarchist saying it to WNs, right?

              Maybe I should dig up that old skype chat I had with a young Libertarian/Anarchist type that actually *defended* killing newborn babies and letting old people die because they vote, and post it here as a blanket example of what Lib/Anas stand for and what they believe?

              “I’m an anti-statist”

              Enlighten me. Are you against white nationalists because they are nationalists (statist), because they are white or because they are white and statist?

              “WN’s shouldn’t have to adopt the non-aggression principle because they’re such trustworthy and respectable fellas. It’s just a damn shame that Mojo would go and offend them like he did…”

              Dude, what the heck are you talking about? I am a great fan of the non-aggression principle and that is precisely one of the reasons I became sympathetic to WNs. White people, individually and as a group of ethnicities and cultures are being aggressed on a massive scale and multiple fronts both in Europe and the US. By your system of values it is perfectly permissible to use violence against their aggressors and their enablers.

              I *love* the NAP! It is the perfect moral justification to shoot aggressors and oppressors. But I don’t buy any of that “scaling the level of retributive force to the level of the attack” bull.

              “I have no problem with people forming role-playing communities of any sort.”

              Then I guess me playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition is OK on your book. What a relief!

              • “You really, really must have dug deep to find those gems you posted. I have visited their site several times and was actually surprised at the level and erudition of the conversation there.”

                Actually, you can find comments like that under nearly every show in the podcast section.

                “Check the title of Mojo’s post. I guess “Fuck You!” is only considered polite when its a Libertarian/Anarchist saying it to WNs, right?”

                I always get a kick out of it no matter who it’s said to.

                “Maybe I should dig up that old skype chat I had with a young Libertarian/Anarchist type that actually *defended* killing newborn babies and letting old people die because they vote, and post it here as a blanket example of what Lib/Anas stand for and what they believe?”

                You could, but we both know that’s not the typical viewpoint of Anarchists and we both know that WN’s typically adhere to a romanticized version of totalitarian statism in between obsessing over how much they hate other races. Every societal sub-group is conducting PR geared towards the wider public and WN’s should’ve fired their guy years ago…

                “Enlighten me. Are you against white nationalists because they are nationalists (statist), because they are white or because they are white and statist?”

                I said I was an anti-statist so I suppose statism would be the main reason… I’m critical of them but not necessarily against them because everyone needs to have humor in their lives and I’m definitely against decreasing the amount of humor in the world.

                “Dude, what the heck are you talking about? I am a great fan of the non-aggression principle and that is precisely one of the reasons I became sympathetic to WNs.”

                Yes, some WN’s follow the principle but White Nationalism isn’t generally thought of as a “peace party” for more than obvious reasons.

                “White people, individually and as a group of ethnicities and cultures are being aggressed on a massive scale and multiple fronts both in Europe and the US. By your system of values it is perfectly permissible to use violence against their aggressors and their enablers.”

                The NAP (which I suggest you actually read about, lol) is a good foundational basis for groups seeking to secede from the empire so that no one has to worry about situations of conflict. I’m not a libertarian so I have no use for it beyond that. I’m a live and let live type of person… I believe in peace and ruthless self-defense. Under your definition of it you believe it’s permissible to attack immigrants because they choose to move to a certain place to live the capitalist dream? If that’s the case I’m sure the indigenous peoples of the Americas, South Africa, Australia etc. etc. will be happy to know that they can kick you out and begin to recover so much of what they lost…

                “I *love* the NAP! It is the perfect moral justification to shoot aggressors and oppressors. But I don’t buy any of that “scaling the level of retributive force to the level of the attack” bull.”

                And there’s your problem… The NAP is there to secure peace, not the other way around.

  3. As I wrote elsewhere

    “The attitudes expected and expressed by Abbott go some way to explaining my aversion to racialism; folk of that worldview tend to make similar obnoxious claims on the lives, achievements, and choices of others who share their lineage . I hear it whenever endogamists bitch about interracial couples, accusing other races of “fetishism” and “stealing our men/women”; or when “conscious” fuckers mandate “giving back to the community”, dismissing any choice beyond their Kwanzite-Wotanist-onanist dogma as “self-hating” and “inauthentic”.”

    “Sadly for them, not all of us play well with Procrusteans…”

  4. The biggest problem the radical right has is that it is frequently mistook for what it predicts. The right supposes that people will act in a certain way based on how they have acted in the past, that they will be intolerant of “outsiders” and the eventual result of that will be catastrophic. Of course people who are absolutely gagging to do just that love this as it offer them, they imagine, some justification for wanting to do it. However the right also argues that the majority of people are irredeemably stupid and the above described group is within that analysis.

    “White nationalism” is an abhorrent sub culture and not a political position. It rarely gets beyond complaining and “naming the Jew” to consider any concrete political proposals, it is the doctrine of the dumb. When it does the assumption is almost always authoritarian because that is the kind of simplistic solution that appeals to the stupid. As someone from a radical right tradition myself if you think you hate the WN crowd Mojo then imagine not only having to listen to that shit, but have every man and his dog try and associate you with it and the consequences of that.

    After all, what is “white nationalism”? There isn’t a “white nation” so the very term is an oxymoron. Having said that there are worse things out there, let’s talk about white supremacism.

    • I didn’t even mention white supremacists because I dismiss them outright. Not even worth bothering with. WNs at least have some legitimate grievances, they’re just fruits about it.

    • Excuse me? Could explain objectively how WN is a “sub-culture”? Why the prefix? And *not* a political position? How can that be if it is mostly about politics?

      There isn’t a “white nation”? Oxymoron?

      Do you even know what the word “nation” means? Fyi, there a lot of white nations in the planet, the problem is that they are located in countries which are being invaded and colonized by hostile outsiders and undergoing demographic white genocide.

      That is precisely why WN is significant. They are the only ones talking about it.

      As for WN being “Abhorrent”, well, that is really only your individual, subjective opinion on it, and therefore of no real consequence.

  5. In my experience there is considerable overlap between the two groups Mojo, to say the least. That’s what makes the difference between “white nationalism” and just “nationalism”. In order to be a WN you have to drop, or more frequently have not understood in the first place the existence of, nationalism as a universal ideal. The kind of mentality that would be required to decide that limiting what you advocate to your own ethnic group is morally defensible or even a tactically sound move is, well, unbelievably stupid.

    Added to that foundation of idiocy you then have the “neo-nazi” and/or “white power” fraternity who like to use the term WN because they believe it to sound more palatable than fascist. The total global effect of this is to create a despicable toxic snake pit of loathing and militant moronicism.

    However is this an argument against national anarchism, pan secessionism, neighbourhood anarchism or anarcho nationalism or whatever you want to call it? On the contrary in accordance with the great principles of karmic justice these reptiles should be allowed, encouraged even, to pen themselves up in some confined locality and teach themselves why fascism is not a great idea. Indeed only those ideas have some sort of solution to the problem of WN.

    • SE Pearson “The kind of mentality that would be required to decide that limiting what you advocate to your own ethnic group is morally defensible or even a tactically sound move is, well, unbelievably stupid.”

      My god. The mind staggers at how godawful a sentence this is. That the language of the Bard has come to….this. That the civilization that gave us St. Thomas Aquinas now gives us…this.

      The soul cries out for justice! God, in your infinite mercy, please separate my people from the likes of SE Pearson (he’s the guy who likes to pose next to “big guns,” while disparaging white nationalists.) We have suffered mightily, and enough!

      In any event, see my post above. It applies many, many times over to you.

  6. Mojo,

    Here’s my reply:

    Mojo doesn’t like us, LOL.

    It’s the zealotry and hypocrisy of the establishment that made me add a bunch of white nationalist blogs to my blogroll – I want to hear other views, particularly heretical ones. I suspect the establishment has decreed them heretical because they disseminate their own truths, which threaten to undermine the official narrative.

    Everything I’ve talked about above is true enough and worthy of outrage. But then we get onto the white nationalists themselves.

    You guys are a bunch of fucking fruit loops, and you go too far.

    When you’re criticizing the system for being racist against your people, about the dumbest thing you can do is to commit the same offence. I took Metapedia off my links list when I realized it’s just anti-Jew shit, and not the kind of alternative encyclopedia proposed by Mencius Moldbug.

    The last straws for me were the following comments at Mindweapons in Ragnarok. Ryu gives insight into how his white utopia will be administered:

    Alot of people want a white ethnostate without wanting what its going to take to achieve and maintain it. It will be a military state, as the rest of the world opposes it. It will be totalitarian, in our favor.

    Mindweapon on Jared Taylor’s tolerance for miscegenation:

    I sure disagree with him about outlawing race-mixing. I would outlaw it, and the punishment would be deportation. Actually, in my ethnostate, race mixing would be all but impossible, but anyone who did it would be deported to some rainbow state.

    I had hoped that white nationalists weren’t just neo-Nazi boneheads, but here they are gleefully plotting new, racially pure, totalitarian regimes.

    If your ideal society doesn’t let me speak my mind and fuck whichever consenting adults I please, then you’ve already lost me.

    My reply to Mojo:

    We are living the politics of the African Savannah, and White children are being picked off by “lions” while adult water buffalo whites don’t defend them.

    Here, in a youtube video (Battle of Kroeger Park) is my worldview. Ryu and myself are the adult water buffalo, and that baby water buffalo is white children, being eaten by

    Mindweapon predators (semites and their Orcs).

    • The problem, Mindweapon, is that you don’t offer anything to me, the ‘average white guy.’

      I don’t dispute your grievances, but your solutions are even worse.

      • Mojo: “The problem, Mindweapon, is that you don’t offer anything to me, the ‘average white guy.’”

        Quite the contrary. We offer you everything. Well, to be a bit more precise, we offer you almost everything. Great schools, low crime, a culture in which you are central and valued rather than an increasingly bad joke. Living in a country that would rather fund a real space program than demographic invasion. Jobs that aren’t undermined by globalization. A future for your children. A thousand other things as well, some great and some small. For example, the simple pleasure of a vibrant and fun white streetlife. Today, that sort of thing is limited to a pocket or two in a typical metro area, and even that is diminished. It doesn’t have to be that way. Public transit doesn’t have to be the way it is, either.

        But no, we don’t offer you asian chicks. By definition, there won’t be asian chicks in the future White Republic, but there will be white girls, and for that matter white girls that weren’t brought up in a toxic, anti-male and anti-white mass culture.

        In truth, I’m not interested in appealing to your narrow self-interest. An ethnostate, white or otherwise, isn’t just about making a buck and feathering your nest. It’s about a people, a true nation, and a future for that people. It’s about a people fully in control of its own institutions.

        That’s what we really offer: a future in a meaningful sense. If that’s not important to you, if you just don’t care what happens so long as you’re banging asian chicks, then we aren’t right for you, and you aren’t right for us. So be it. That doesn’t really explain the hostility that you’ve shown, as you would not be required to live in the ethnostate. It would be an option, not a requirement. So why the bad mojo, er, Mojo? Just do your own thing, and let a playa play.

        • @ Trainspotter,

          Good answer. I will respond to your question:

          “you would not be required to live in the ethnostate. It would be an option, not a requirement. So why the bad mojo, er, Mojo? Just do your own thing, and let a playa play.”

          If WNs wanted to set up in some unclaimed piece of land somewhere, then more power to them. I sure as hell wouldn’t try to stop them. I’d advocate their right to do this.

          But there is no unclaimed land, and WNs won’t want to set up anew somewhere else anyway, because of pride in their European heritage. The only way a white ethnostate is going to form is by a coup/takeover of an existing state, and I don’t want to be kicked out of my homeland, nor do I want it to become totalitarian. This would be -worse- for me than the present situation.

  7. Mojo, I had never been to your site and this was the first article of yours I have read.

    First things firs, your posting of pictures “exotic asian beauties” counterpointed by unattractive psychotic white women is not very honest (toi say the least). There’s quite a few Chinese women in my corner of the woods and they sure ain’t “exotic beauties”. Do you want me to take a few pics of them and send them your way so you can give your post a veneer of visual balance?

    A few more comments:

    “Ghetto Negroes have better wooing, and flirtation skills, than so many White males.”

    I am not interested in any woman of any race or culture that holds ghetto negro mating rituals as an ideal metric of how the genders should behave towards one another.

    Those ladies should perhaps pay less attention to negro flirts and more to the numbers of multiracial black male/white female pairings that end up with the death or rape of the female.

    “When you’re criticizing the system for being racist against your people, about the dumbest thing you can do is to commit the same offence.”

    The system is not racist against white people. By definition, only white people can be racists and the only “victims” of racism are non-whites. This isn’t my opinion, this is the often-quoted wisdom of the system itself.

    The beef of WNs with the system is that it’s Anti-White. Or if you prefer a synonym the system is Anti-Racist, because Anti-Racist is only a code-word for Anti-White.

    “I took Metapedia off my links list when I realized it’s just anti-Jew shit,”

    Could you enlighten us then, and point us in the way of some good anti-jew material that isn’t “shit”? Or is it your opinion that all and any criticism of jews is simply “shit”?

    “Speaking of which, the other reason I can’t really abide white nationalists is their following mantra: Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.”

    You really are ignorant of what you purport to criticize, aren’t you?

    That isn’t “The Mantra”, if you want the mantra in its complete version go check “Horus the Avenger” site, I wrote the core of the mantra above. “Anti-Racist is just a code for Anti-White”.

    What you quoted is the line that follows David Lane’s 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children”. Now please analyze that sentence, objectively and impartially and tell me how you reach the conclusion that agreeing with it automatically makes one a freakin’ evil nazi. I would really like to read your essay on that.

    “White people have the right to defend themselves, to secure their existence and their future – just like every other race of people. Nobody questions the right of black people to secure their existence and future.”

    i certainly do question the right of black people (or any other people) to secure their existence when it is done at the (very, very costly) expense of whites.

    That is a form of aggression. As a violation of the non-aggression principle, white people are fully entitled to lash out in self-defense against the aggressors and their enablers. As a Libertarian/Anarchist type surely you understand this better than most. Please explain how I am wrong, I’d like to read it.

    “You guys are a bunch of fucking fruit loops, and you go too far.”

    Unless you are a professional psychologist and “fruit loops” is a scientific term, I’d say this is just your individual, subjective opinion and therefore of no real consequence. Most people I have had political conversations with considered Libertarians/Anarchists “fucking fruit loops” too, or something along that line. I never paid attention to their puerile, unsubstantiated insults.

    “If your ideal society doesn’t let me speak my mind and fuck whichever consenting adults I please, then you’ve already lost me.”

    So what is your beef exactly? WNs will not want someone in their society who puts “the right” to screw “exotic asians” at the top of his political platform. They are not interested in Libertarians/Anarchists types that put their dicks before politics and the continued survival of their race and culture. They are not interested in white people that are ruled mostly by their sexual apetites.

    WNs will not force you to join their society, if fact they won’t even want you around. You will be free to have as much sex with Miss Misa Campo as you want provided you do it outside their borders. But you don’t even grant them the same respect that they grant you. The fact that somewhere out there, there will be a white society where men don’t share your gusto for asian pussy just drives you mad…why? Just what is your problem anyway? Can you not just accept the fact that some people disagree with you, your lifestyle and your idealized society? You sure seem to disagree with them, very emotionally so.

    “There’s a very good reason why white nationalists don’t need to feel guilty about popping covert boners over Eastern babes like Misa Campo.”

    First of all, Misa Campo is not an “Eastern babe”, she is a hybrid, or a half-breed. You can tell that just by seeing her physical traits and and name. So get your ethnicities right before you start talking of race. She is of Filipino, Dutch and Canadian descent, so in that sense she is more caucasian than asian. So this means the fact you find her “hot” is due more to her european genetics than her asian ones…why, you dirty little racist, you. Tsk, tsk.

    Second, no man, WN or not should need to feel guilty for having an erection caused by visual stimuli to his reptilian brain from a picture showing tits and ass, anymore than he needs to feel ashamed of having bowel movements or a heartbeat.

    The difference is, some of us can control their libido, while others (such as you) feel such an overwhelming urge to copulate they make it part of their political platform.

    I apologize for the somewhat disconnected nature of this post or any spelling mistakes. Its my father’s birthday and I have to go to meet him so I have been writing this in a hurry. i’d write more but, lack of time and all that.

    • “First of all, Misa Campo is not an “Eastern babe”, she is a hybrid, or a half-breed. You can tell that just by seeing her physical traits and and name. So get your ethnicities right before you start talking of race. She is of Filipino, Dutch and Canadian descent, so in that sense she is more caucasian than asian. So this means the fact you find her “hot” is due more to her european genetics than her asian ones…why, you dirty little racist, you. Tsk, tsk.”

      If you consider her so Caucasian, can she live in your fantasy ethnostate? Is Mojo free to date her?

      “WNs will not force you to join their society, if fact they won’t even want you around. You will be free to have as much sex with Miss Misa Campo as you want provided you do it outside their borders. But you don’t even grant them the same respect that they grant you.”

      Can white nationalists be trusted with a state not to want to harm whites and non-whites outside its borders? Plenty of wns seem to care nothing about non-whites and non-wn whites and seem more then open to claiming living space if they had the chance. Should the system collapse and anarchists, libertarians, paleoconservatives, maybe some form of non-wn fascists, non-white nationalists and others get their chances to govern societies can they sincerely trust a white ethnostate not to be a danger to their borders?

      Also, what if most whites never really want white nationalism? What if they can only go so far when systematic collapse occurs? Perhaps if the current system ends whites will favor a pro-white regime that ends affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, unchecked non-white immigration, and welfare but not overt white separatism, white supremacy, anti-miscegination laws, or blanket armed deportations of non-whites. I could even imagine a future state being overwhelmingly white and undemocratic (thus viable) but allowing some pro-white non-whites and mostly whites with some non-white ancestry to be full citizens but hardcore white nationalists seem to even see this hypothetical system as unacceptable.

      • Stephen,

        “If you consider her so Caucasian, can she live in your fantasy ethnostate? Is Mojo free to date her?”

        I never said I considered Miss Misa Campo a Caucasian. Please refrain yourself from putting words in my mouth. And please use the the word “hypothetical” or “future” when referring to a white ethnostate. It is not a fantasy, there have been numerous historical examples of such states, If you choose to ignore the burden of historical evidence and equate them with, say, “fantasy” fairies and gnomes, you only make yourself look like an ignoramus.

        So to answer you question, in a white nationalist ethnostate (not “my” state, as I claim no ownership of hypotetical countries) Mojo and Miss Campo would not be free to date for the very simple reason none of
        them would be qualified to live there. Outside of its borders and jurisdiction, Mojo is free to do whatever he wants with Miss Campos in accordance to the local laws.

        “Can white nationalists be trusted with a state not to want to harm whites and non-whites outside its borders?”

        And can non-whites outside the borders of a sovereign WN state be trusted not to want to harm whites living inside its borders?

        Why should WNs with their own sovereign state need to “be trusted” or ask permission of anyone? Take a look around you and realize the utter hypocrisy of your question. The USA is not an ethnostate and it seems hell-bent on harming non-whites outside its borders. Certain African countries are black ethnostates and they also spread much misery against non-whites outside its borders. Israel is a Jewish state and it delights in harming Palestianians, which last time I checked are non-whites.

        When you are willing to hold all the currently existing countries to the same standards you wish to impose on a future WN sovereign state, and I see you actively struggling to make them abide by those standards, get back to me and we can talk more about a future WN states. Until then, stop referring to some perceived mote in the eye of white nationalists and pay more attention to the huge plank of wood stuck on the eyes of so many current-day nations.

        “Plenty of wns seem to care nothing about non-whites and non-wn whites and seem more then open to claiming living space if they had the chance”

        Plenty of Chicanos seem to care nothing about whites and seem more than open to claim their living space for themselves. Have you ever heard of the “Reconquista” movement? Plenty of people seem to think Idaho and other states are “too white” and are actively sponsoring its colonization by Somalis and other aliens, and have no problem when those black 3rd-worlders begin encroaching on the native whites’ living space, dealing drugs, attacking elders and raping white women. Plenty of non-WN whites don’t give a hoot about the current white genocide happening in South Africa right now at the hands of African blacks.

        Again, please apply the same standards you use to judge WNs to everyone else before reaching for your keyboard. Only then we can have a serious and honest discussion.

        “Should the system collapse (…) and others get their chances to govern societies can they sincerely trust a white ethnostate not to be a danger to their borders?”

        Should the system collapse and WNs get their chance to govern their own society, can they sincerely trust all the other groups you mentioned forming their own states not being a danger to their ethnostate borders?

        You really seem to hold WNs to a very high standard, an almost impossible standard I would say; that you do not enforce on anyone else…I wonder why that is?

        “Also, what if most whites never really want white nationalism?”

        What then? What if most whites prefer green eggs over ham? Does that mean the white minority cannot make a ham appreciation society? And who said WNs care about democracy and majority rule?
        The current US government also doesn’t seem to give a shite about either one and they seem to be getting away with it with flying colors. Did most whites, or non-whites for that matter, really wanted the government to spend billions on those bank bailouts? Did most of them really wanted for the criminal bankers *not* to be prosecuted?

        In politics what the “majority” wants counts for nothing. What counts is what who has the majority of *guns* (i.e. the monopoly on violence) wants. To think otherwise is the summit of political naivité. Granted, our current-day “liberal democracies” (which are neither) have become masters in the art of fooling the “majority” into thinking they have a say and thus made their system of control more stable and longer-lasting. But their excesses are mounting to such an extent that the varnish is showing some mighty big cracks.

        “Perhaps if the current system ends whites will favor a pro-white regime that ends affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, unchecked non-white immigration, and welfare but not overt white separatism, white supremacy, anti-miscegination laws, or blanket armed deportations of non-whites.”

        I am pretty sure not a single white will favor white supremacy, and white separatism, and anti-miscegination, and armed deportations; for the very simple fact most of those things are mutually exclusive. You cannot have white supremacy on a white separatist society because there’s no non-whites to be “supreme” over (whatever that means). You have no need for, and cannot enforce anti-miscegination laws in a society where there are no non-whites to miscesgenate with because they were all expelled at the point of a gun.

        “I could even imagine a future state being overwhelmingly white and undemocratic (thus viable) but allowing some pro-white non-whites and mostly whites with some non-white ancestry to be full citizens but hardcore white nationalists seem to even see this hypothetical system as unacceptable.”

        You referred before to a white ethnostate as “a fantasy”, and now you speak of “pro-white non-whites”? Where can these mystical creatures be found? Over the rainbow by the pot of gold?

        “Hardcore” anything seem to see any hypothetical that is not an idealized extreme as unacceptable. Just how accepting of limited visions of their doctrine are hardcore black nationalists, chicano “reconquistadores”, neo cons, cultural marxists, anti-christian atheists and even Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists?

        If you want to see some real ideological intolerance and uncompromising unacceptance, go talk with the Free State Project anarchists and tell them you are a minarchist which is in favor of voting and very limited taxation.

        I will repeat what I have said before: your criticism of WNs seems to come from the fact that you hold them to impossible standards that you do not apply to anyone else.

        You seem to be demanding that WNs care about certain others, when those others do not care at all for WNs or are actively opposed to them. Why don’t you ask for justifications from the groups opposed to WNs? Why don’t you go to pro-Chicano websites and demand they justify their Reconquista doctrine? Why don’t you go talk with Black Panthers and ask them for the same assurances you demand from white nationalists that no one else will be harmed or
        inconvenienced by their actions in pursuit of their goal? Why don’t you chat with supporters of Israel and inquire on what moral and ethical grounds they demand that white Americans spend their money and the lives of their sons and daughters in defense of a foreign polity?

        I do not see how WNs can be targeted for chastisement for being willing to say or do things similar to what is already being said and done by other groups all around us. The only difference is that they are White, and pro-White, and for some reason it is not kosher for white people to hold certain views, or act in certain manners that seem to be ok for every other group.

        Are you sensing the cognitive dissonance yet? Or do I have to write more paragraphs?

        • “In politics what the “majority” wants counts for nothing. What counts is what who has the majority of *guns* (i.e. the monopoly on violence) wants. To think otherwise is the summit of political naivité. Granted, our current-day “liberal democracies” (which are neither) have become masters in the art of fooling the “majority” into thinking they have a say and thus made their system of control more stable and longer-lasting. But their excesses are mounting to such an extent that the varnish is showing some mighty big cracks.”

          I somewhat question this. The Soviets and the other Eastern Bloc countries had a total monopoly on violence. It did not save the Leninist model from such acute public rejection that the system collapsed.

          Currently it seems there are some very devote White Nationalists yet that has not translated into any political victories because the public, through system brainwashing and perhaps some degree of rejection of the extreme stances of so many white nationalists are not won over.

          Greg Johnson has written that “White Nationalists are a tiny, powerless, despised minority. We are poorly-organized, poorly-funded, and poorly-led.” It seems to me that wns operate on the theory that systemic collapse will result in enough conversions to have enough people on the ground for a white ethnostate like the crisis in Germany in the 1930s brought National Socialism to power. But America, Britain, and France were also in crisis and were not won over by fascism. The current system has indoctrinated the public with anti-wn beliefs and perhaps some everyday living in a multiracial society has made some ordinary whites immune to wn. By the latter, I mean that while wns do a good job highlighting the negative interactions between the races there are also positive interactions with some non-whites on a daily basis and this counteracts intergroup hostility to some degree. Maybe hardcore white nationalists will simply never have the numbers on the ground to seize an ethnostate. The reds tried to take Bavaria and Hungary by force with little popularity back in 1919 and it ended bad for them.

          “You referred before to a white ethnostate as “a fantasy”, and now you speak of “pro-white non-whites”? Where can these mystical creatures be found? Over the rainbow by the pot of gold?”

          I don’t think it would be unreasonable to call Iranian for Aryans, David Yeagley, Jew Among You, and even some non-whites happily married to whites pro-white.

          • “I somewhat question this. The Soviets and the other Eastern Bloc countries had a total monopoly on violence. It did not save the Leninist model from such acute public rejection that the system collapsed.”

            I made an omission before. The state is not the monopoly on violence, it is the monopoly on violence that is perceived as legitimate by the population.

            The soviets did not have either the monopoly or the perceived legitimacy when their system fell. The numbers of rebellious people on the streets where proof that legitimacy had been lost, and the armed forces refusal to shoot them when given orders by the government to do so was proof that the de facto monopoly was gone too.

            In the US currently, the boots-on-the-ground state apparatus of violence is still working (although it is doubtful the monies to maintain it will be available in the future) and the number of populace that do not see the government as a legitimate entity is only a tiny fraction of the necessary critical mass of persons needed for this to be a factor. The attitude of the soldiery when/if they get issued orders to repress malcontents is open to speculation.

            “Currently it seems there are some very devote White Nationalists yet that has not translated into any political victories because the public, through system brainwashing and perhaps some degree of rejection of the extreme stances of so many white nationalists are not won over.”

            You should also factor in the very relevant issue that being white and having a pro-White stance, even if non-political, is a path to loosing your source of income, destroying your own career, being expelled from university and being sued in a court for causing “emotional suffering” to minorities that are given special treatment and privileges in Cultural Marxist America.

            I don’t believe ideology and indoctrination are the main issues, even if they have great relevance. I think the failure of pro-white politics in general and WN specifically has more to do with very practical, everyday survival concerns by white Americans. Behind closed doors, with someone they trust, and when no one else is listening some might be surprised to learn what Joe Sixpack *really* thinks and believes.

            Already the accusation of “racist!”, outside of the workplace at least, is loosing its sting. More and more common white people are awakening to the massive amount of racial bullshit that is floating about, and getting sick of it. The Cultural Marxist mantras:

            “Diversity is our *greatest* strength”

            “America is a country of immigrants”

            “They are just like us, just of different color”

            “Race is a social construct.”

            “There is no gene for race.”

            “It is hard to see racism when you’re white.”

            “Slavery! Slavery! Slavery! Slavery!”

            “Racist! Supremacist! Bigot! Hater! Oppressor! Anti-Semite! Islamophobe! Nazi!”

            …are becoming jokes outside of Academia halls and mainstream media echo chambers. So many white people are *fed up* with this garbage. Even our host Mojo, while he despises white nationalists, made an awesome scathing case against all the “racist!” diatribe that is de orde du jour.

            “It seems to me that wns operate on the theory that systemic collapse will result in enough conversions to have enough people on the ground for a white ethnostate like the crisis in Germany in the 1930s brought National Socialism to power. But America, Britain, and France were also in crisis and were not won over by fascism.”

            The depression in America, Britain and France cannot possibly be equated to the societal collapse that befell Weimar Germany. And some say the crisis that awaits us will be the biggest and most widespread in the history of humankind. It makes you wonder where it will all lead.

            If we assume real systemic collapse, then many people will not need be “converted”, they will be so despaired by the rumblings in their belly and the lack of order that they’ll gladly follow a group of folks to whom they are related by race and culture and are offering protection as long as you abide to some easy to follow rules.

            I bet even Mojo, if he was a starving refugee on the run from mobs who wanted to off him just because he is white, would gladly forsake asian vagina in exchange for a warm meal and protection. 🙂

            If it gets to the point where a pro-White group becomes an effective dispenser of order amid the chaos and they get away with it for some time, then the cat is out of the bag. The “monkey-see-monkey-do” effect alone will have a snowball effect, not to mention all the closet WNs that will “come out”, the disaffected Libertarians who give up on brown and black people, the whites who have been victimized by non-whites (rapes, aggressions, thefts) and just want a shot at revenge and comeuppance, etc.

            A last note. WN is not fascism, neither is it national socialism. So we can’t just look at the 1930’s. White nationalists may well decide to go for a constitutional republic, maybe even use propaganda claiming it will be “A Corner of America Reborn from the Ashes”, only this time it will be white-only, and appeal to folks that can’t wipe away that last lingering bit of anti-WN indoctrination.

            “The current system has indoctrinated the public with anti-wn beliefs and perhaps some everyday living in a multiracial society has made some ordinary whites immune to wn”

            You may well be right, but will ideology indoctrination and complacence survive being confronted with ever-increasing anti-white racial violence, demonization, dispossession and legislation? Some are predicting riots, the black “flash mobs” are already a prelude to it. Will the average white just ignore seeing his house burned and his family attacked? Will he be ok with his kid going to jail because he made a “racist” joke at school (cases similar to this have already happened btw).

            From what I read on the internet there are a lot of white folks, non-WN, who are about ready to start shooting back. Heck, some are *wishing* that something happens so they can shoot back.

            “By the latter, I mean that while wns do a good job highlighting the negative interactions between the races there are also positive interactions with some non-whites on a daily basis and this counteracts intergroup hostility to some degree.”

            What are the “positives”? Ethnic restaurants? Asian vaginas? I have never talked with an American that lived in a majority non-white community and was over the moon about it. And I am not talking about someone living in an enclosed DWL development or in the rich, well-patrolled part of a minority-white town. I mean regular folk down in the trenches.

            There may be incidental benefits and positive interactions with non-whites when they form a minute portion of the community, when the percentages start being reversed its a different matter. Just the fact of seeing a sea of faces racially different from your own daily has an effect on the state of mind of people.

            “Maybe hardcore white nationalists will simply never have the numbers on the ground to seize an ethnostate.”

            Maybe. But the numbers required will be smaller the weaker the state is and the further away you are from the heart of empire.

            Remember, you don’t have to defeat leviathan to win. You just have to make leviathan’s accountants surrender. When the price to hold on to a piece of real state becomes too steep governments tend to cut their losses and retreat.

            We also can’t forget that this will not be happening in a vacuum. It just won’t be a gang of uppity white racists in them thar hills that the government can bring its full force on. In a collapse scenario there is going to be serious events everywhere. The Mexifornia region will likely see some hefty action. Will Texas finally decide it will be better off being its own republic again? Will lynching become popular in Dixie again? What will be happening in the inner cities with its masses of non-whites?

            A strained State, involved in several foreign wars, facing the greatest economic and financial crisis in its history and multiple hotspots within its borders will only be able to mobilize a minute fraction of its agents and assets against “them evil WNs”. And aren’t most of those agents white themselves? How many of them will rethink their loyalties when they are sent to kill fellow white Americans even as their country is collapsing around them. How many of them will be thinking on the security of their families back in suburbia, and figuring that a white-only region doesn’t sound such a bad idea after all?

            By the way, for full disclosure I have to say I am not a white nationalist myself. I cannot use that descriptor because it encompasses too much variety of stances (to the point of being almost self-contraditory in my analysis), and some of the more extreme positions I do not really agree with because I think they are ultimately detrimental.to whites.

            But I have no beef with WNs because none of them has ever harmed me or acted against my interests, and I would be accepted among them because I’m white. Which is way more than I can say for a multitude of other groups.

            Their envisioned society, or what we can determine would be the common factors among the several different visions of it, is a place I would not be adverse to live in. If it is safe and prosperous, done by and for the benefit of white folks, I don’t really care what the flag looks like, if they erect statues to Adolf Hitler or that black, brown or asian vagina isn’t available.

            I would rather have that than Ron Paul’s libertarian vision: a future with sound money for the brown people.

        • “I am pretty sure not a single white will favor white supremacy, and white separatism, and anti-miscegination, and armed deportations; for the very simple fact most of those things are mutually exclusive.”

          You are putting words into my mouth. You added the ands. I never suggested these were not mutually exclusive, I merely pointed them out as positions seen as extreme by the public that are held by some white nationalists.

          • I added nothing to your words. Check the post, your paragraph was copy-pasted without any change and placed within ” “.

            In my reply, I meant exactly what I said. You selected 4 items out of a long list. Among those 4 some, like I showed, are mutually exclusive so your question didn’t really make sense. I don’t understand why you chose those specific 4. You could have asked about folks wanting a White Supremacist society AND a welfare state, or White supremacy AND massive non-white immigration for slave-labor, or a multiculti society WITH draconian anti-miscegination laws, or anything in between.

            Instead you made separation between “light” pro-white stances and 4 (contradictory) stances that are traditionally associated with WN. The fact they are contradictory should tell you something about how imprecise the term “White Nationalism” really is.

            Come on…I was really enjoying trading ideas with you. Out of my last long post you choose to focus on *that*? What about the rest? I am curious to learn more about your ideas. 🙂

            • “They seem to assume WNs want to create some Fascist One World Government and it is fun to see their brains melt when they are confronted with the fact what WNs want is a Homeland of their own, and that it will not be mandatory (or even desirable) for every white person to live there.”

              If this is your stance then I am not opposed to WNs having an ethnostate. You could have just said this earlier. Its fine but I probably would not want to live there.

              By the way, this article is about white nationalism. That is why I wanted to know if white nationalists want to compel others to be part of their proposed state or not. I am not anti-white! I don’t like like or support anti-whites. I have donated to white efforts, such as freeing Chester Doles in the past. I don’t like or support the Washington tyranny. I just don’t want to find myself under another tyranny if I find myself free of the current one. I have non-white friends and misceginationist friends. I don’t support the anti-white policies of the current regime and I don’t care for NAM violence either. But like Mojo, I am not interested in living in an ethnostate.

              I once listened to an episode of Attack the System where Keith Preston asked a National Anarchist if a national anarchist group could be established that included some non-whites and part whites. I suppose a society that was mostly white but consisted of the best sort of non-white and the mostly white would be acceptable to me.

    • Mojo you basically concede the legitimacy of white nationalism in this one post. It is technically true that there is no “unclaimed land” but there are vast swaths of uninhabited land suitable for white settlement and secession, so I don’t see what your problem is. Poland is still almost all white. They could simply say no to any further non-white immigration and welcome white immigration. Voila, a white homeland. French nationalists wouldn’t be satisfied with this to be sure, but they would certainly concede it was better than nothing. The truth is you just value sexual license above all else and that is your affair, but WN have different values.

      • I have to say I find it pretty funny that white nationalists are taking this article as some kind of treatise or expression of personal philosophy.

        And because I’d rather not have a totalitarian government interfering in my sex life, I value sexual license above all else – I will never get tired of that line.

        Never mind that I’ve written about plenty of other things, and hold values dear to my heart that I haven’t written about; no, let’s assess Mojo’s entire values system by just one vulgar, low-brow article.

        I have no issue with the situations you describe. As I’ve already said in this comment thread, I would advocate for WNs to set up on unclaimed land. I also advocate the right of societies to restrict immigration as they please. I’m not a huge fan of multiculti, if you didn’t pick that up from the first part of my post.

  8. Mojo…

    You don’t care about miscegenation because:

    (a) You don’t have a daughter or son


    (b) You don’t care about the well-being of your daughter or son.

    But I would also say to those WNs that they must embrace an imperial-mindset when it comes to the demographic war.

    Some of us have been quite “liberated” in the past. An imperial-oriented re-adjustment is necessary.

    To act as if crossing racial, religious, ethnic, national lines in things sexual will no have no recourse is the stuff of the radical liberal. And what is an anarchist other than a self-annihilating radical liberal?

  9. But of course, WN’s greatest weakness is its total lack of genuine white Supremacists.

    These guys are really just pining for an “equal” seat at the table.

  10. This fixation on Asians is also a curious phenomenon. The nerds in the HBD movement seem to push this fascination. All their “scientific racism” is rationalized and justified through some kind of squishy pseudo-alliance with all things Asian. In my experience, Asians are no more of a default ally than any other non-white. There is a subtle unpredictability about most of the Asians I have come to know. They seem much more calculating in their appearance of passive/aggressiveness.

    • Are “your women” all white women? Or just those women in your family, extended family, clan and tribe? My guess is that there are maybe a handful of women (one or two?) who value your input in their reproductive choices.

    • To you racial nationalists, everyone who shares your shade is community property. Boundary and entitlement issues hiding behind the apron strings of “morality”.

  11. The constant whining by White Nationalists about mixed couples at the shopping mall, on TV and in Hollywood blockbusters (Heaven help us if Batman ever boinks Catwoman!) only reveals their plebeian nature. There are probably–what…2 Blacks, 2 Hispanics, 5 Asians and 3 Arabs in America capable of wooing a white person of any worth? I’ve never seen it happen, but I’m guessing it does. …Oh, I guess David Bowie and his wife, Iman, count. Heidi Klum is obviously retarded. I think John Updike married an Asian woman. That’s all I can think of.

    • If WNs didn’t “whine” about miscegenation then no one would outside an absolutely decentralized and racially, ethnically, religiously disparate mass of healthy-minded fathers that reject radical sexual autonomy for their daughters and sons.

      The weakness in the WN argument against miscegenation is their inability to transcend the black/white paradigm imposed upon them by the radical liberationist of which the anarchist is a particular manifestation.

      We simply reject the idea of radical sexual autonomy for our daughters and sons BECAUSE it is self-annihilating.

      The radical liberal DOES NOT reject the radical sexual autonomy of his daughters and sons BECAUSE he is a self-annihilator.

      Those who have no children at all are irrelevant to the discussion.

      To believe that sexual relations across racial, religious, ethnic or national boundaries HAS NO CONSEQUENCE is evidence that one is a radical liberal, i.e., an anarchist seeking absolute “freedom.”

      A WN would, by definition, reject this notion of radical sexual autonomy for the very fact that it would annihilate any idea of white nationalism.

    • Mojo, I have to say the lack of censorship on this blog is like a breath of fresh air.

      Many interesting ideas, and I get to remind myself why the inherent defects I detected in modern Lib/Ana, and to which none of its adherents I talked to could come up with answers, were finally solved when I became racially aware.

      I’m adding Attack the System to my Google Reader. 😉

  12. Most anarchist/libertarians have simply replaced hatred for the white man with hatred with the white man’s government. Of course, our “state” is radically liberal JUST LIKE your everyday anarchist/libertarian. So there is a self-hatred that is deceptively obscured from the masses and yet reverberates nonetheless.

    The anarchist MUST despise, loathe and hate a WN lead by genuine white Supremacists. Anything less and he is not pure anarchist. This means he must hate the RESTRAINT found in WN. He must hate the idea of racially sexual restraint. In fact, he must hate ANY sexual restraint, period. THIS IS REAL ANARCHY. This more fundamental hatred is then obscured by a phony tussle with WN and its “hang-up” over misecegenation.

  13. Here’s the problem with White supremacism Thor, it’s manifest rubbish.

    Over the 7 or 8 thousand years of civilisation Whitey spent all but the last 400 years as also rans living in a backwater at the less fashionable end of Asia. Then something happened which changed all that. Now for a white supremacist this is where history starts and we get the grand parade of “white genius”. White genius comes in two forms, art and tech. Obviously the art is culturally relative so Mozart and Shakespeare only look good because that’s what we think looks good. As for the tech, all that is simply the inevitable result of the application of societal systems built on capitalism and industrialism.

    So the whole basis of white supremacism is how clever Whitey was to allow himself to be enslaved by a system which has now completely fucked him. In fact the actual reason Whitey, alone of all the races of men, allowed himself to get into this position is not because of his “superior” characteristics but exactly because he is so passive and feeble and because of all men he really loves his chains.

    The problem for WS and WN is that you predicate your ideas on the idea Whitey is a lot better than he actually is. Until such a time as you factor in his inherent cowardice and docility you aren’t getting anywhere. The irony is of course that whilst you want to hold the round eye up as the greatest evolution of human evolution at the same time you have to admit that by your own standards the Jew is actually the master race. After all, how can a population 100 times smaller so dominate every aspect of a culture of apparent supermen?

  14. It’s true that “white” as an identity is kind of vague and lame compared to real cultural and national identities like “Japanese”.

    But it makes sense in the context of the United States. A Dane doesn’t need to resort to white nationalism, he can be a Danish nationalist instead. He still has a recognizable nation and culture.

    Many white people in the United States have no recognizable nation or culture to identify with. Their ancestry is often mixed European. Even if they can trace their ancestry back to a certain European country, they are likely to have been entirely alienated from those customs. Trying to identify with a European culture/nation would be pretense; like the fake Irish in Boston on Saint Patrick’s Day.

    But being an “American nationalist” is also not a viable alternative, since the goal of all right thinking people is to separate from the toxic American culture and nation.

    WNs in America are people without a culture or a nation struggling to form some sort of concrete identity that is shared with people like them. It makes sense that this would have results that are rather lame compared to real cultures and identities with histories and traditions going back thousands of years.

    They don’t have any real alternative but to try though.

  15. SE Pearson,

    The problem with your “insight” is that is sounds as though you are trying to justify why you are not a GENUINE white Supremacist, i.e., a white man that strives towards Supremacy.

    In fact, you sound like nothing more than your everyday radical liberal describing a white degenerate and then calling such thing a “white supremacist.”

    We aren’t talking things relative.

    I take the literal definition of white Supremacist to be true while you take the “liberated” definition of “white supremacy” as your truth.

    But you really hold this “liberated” truth dear SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO become a genuine white Supremacist.

    A white man who strives towards Supremacy is a white Supremacist.

    Now, you may assert that you do not believe in objective Supremacy.

    Thus, no response is necessary as it would be “equal” to ANY response you put forth in rebuttal or concession.

    Or… You just don’t know what I meme?

  16. I see, that is an unusual conception of white supremacism Thor, most white supremacists are labouring under the misapprehension that Whitey is king, despite all evidence to the contrary. Whereas you are arguing that we should strive to make him king?

    Why? Personally I’d be happy enough just to be left to do our own thing, we tried “the white man’s burden” and it wasn’t anything like as much fun as it was made out to be.

    But here is the kicker, if you go around telling everyone that your ambition is to be supreme then they aren’t going to like it. If they are of another race or culture then this will revive memories of all the many shit things we have done to all of them. If you happen to be a member of the white race then this still sounds like a manifesto which is going to involve hot places, blood and a lot of tax. So the market for this agenda is going to be pretty small, and will largely consist of idiots.

    Simultaneously your ambition to be supreme will be held up by the enemy as evidence of your, and my, irredeemable evil. Noting that even as we are lying on the floor taking the mother of all kickings that we are still raving about what pricks we are going to be when we get up.

    By the way, the brief synopsis of the history of the white race I gave isn’t “liberal” it’s factual. You may not like the fact that as recently as ten centuries or so ago most European cultures had not even developed a written language despite the thousands of year old examples of cultures immediately adjacent to them; but it remains a fact.

  17. Fred, you make a good point and since I’m British it is one I’m apt to forget. Indeed white Americans do not have the type of unique characteristics we in Europe use to identify national groupings and so you have little to fall back on but raw ethnicity. (and I am genuinely sympathetic to that predicament)

    Problem is that nationalism, traditional nationalism, isn’t really set up to deal with that. The arguments about “ancestral homelands” and preserving and nurturing national collective identities which are central to conventional nationalism are meaningless for white people in America, although perhaps not to the “first Americans”

    What we are actually talking about isn’t “white nationalism”, it would be more accurate to describe it as “white Zionism”. And that might be fun, I recommend it to you.

    • Pearson as Britain becomes more racially mixed you will probably end up with a situation over there where White becomes an ethnic identity just as it is in America. I believe that Whites in America do have a valid collective identity Pearson however I agree with you that White Nationalism isn’t a good idea, I prefer that White people pursue their racial survival within a multiracial society where the races have equal rights and the freedom to intermarry as well as to avoid inter-marriage.

  18. SE Pearson,

    You must extricate yourself from the radical liberal frame. Your “white” history is irrelevant to the discussion. Further, I said your definition of the white Supremacist was the “liberated” one and not your recounting of history.

    This IS NOT a game of relativism. This is not black versus white or Jew versus Gentile. That is the game you wish to remain in, but a white Supremacist does not have to play. A genuine white Supremacist can transcend this debacle. A debacle which does nothing more than work in favor of the radically liberal.

    A white Supremacist is a white man who strives towards Supremacy. Period.

    This is not an “unusual” definition, but a straightforward and literal definition. It only seems “unusual” to you because you have fully embraced the “liberated” definition. Is this your anarchy showing?

    Does A=B?

    And do not kid yourself. The fear and loathing of “white supremacy” in America is real and undeniable. In fact, it is the defining characteristic of the American black man so much so that one who does not profess a desire to “liberate” from “white supremacy” IS NOT really an American black man in any substantive way. Further, a Jew qua Jew, whether orthodox or leftist, is a bona fide anti-Supremacist, i.e., one who does not believe in objective Supremacy. That the radically liberal “Jew” holds disproportionate influence in things cultural, financial and academic is because of his learned radical liberalism and not his inherent Jewishness.

    But really, who fears and loathes white Supremacy more than the self-annihilating white liberal? And why does he fear and loathe such an obviously degenerate and pathetic character?

    I mean, could you imagine what kind of creature thinks he is better than others? Is it even human to think in such a way? Or is it just liberalism?

  19. Thor, you may hold the view that white supremacism is related to the ambition to make white people supreme but 99% of adherents of that school of thought are entirely convinced that such an ambition is superfluous because Whitey is already Best. You may recognise that history has something to say about that claim, like it is complete bullshit, but most of WS don’t. Unlike you they do not consciously recognise the need to fabricate a narrative that leads to the desired conclusion, because they already have one which they believe to be accurate.

    I have seen people with completely straight faces advance the idea that the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and even the early civilisations of the Indus Valley were white. I would not be in anyway surprised to hear them argue that Chinese civilisation was “Aryan”.

    As for the rest, I think you’ve been reading too much Nietzsche. Really, the game we play with nature is called survival, not total dominance. Failure to have the ambition of utter supremacy does not in any way guarantee destruction; stupidity, on the other hand, does.

    • “Really, the game we play with nature is called survival, not total dominance.”

      What kind of life do the survivors lead though?

      “Failure to have the ambition of utter supremacy does not in any way guarantee destruction”

      No, but it does lead to irrelevance in the long run. Every major civilization in history had dreams of world conquest at one point or another.

  20. SE Pearson,

    You are just repeating yourself.

    Let’s start clean.

    Do you believe in objective Supremacy?

    Yes or no… And we can go from there in determining whether your opinion concerning “white Supremacy” has any inherent authority?

    PS I have never read Nietzsche.

  21. mojo,

    I’ll certainly let you entertain any fantasy you like.

    But I won’t let you think that such fantasizing is consequence-free.

    PS I never watched Matlock. Life-long “jock” here.

  22. You do realize that a none of the W.N. types expect that every White person will want to live in their ethno-state yes?

    What they are saying is that “If society falls apart and we have our own ethno-state this is how we are going to do it and people who don’t comply can GTFO.”

    There is nothing wrong with this idea at all so long as they stay in their own borders. Invasion is of course another matter but WN’s would have a long way to go before eyeing more lebensraum.

    Some future hyptotethical post implosion Pro-White society will not be the entirety of CONUS anyway.

    More than likely it will be several states divided on ethnic and cultural lines. Some will exclude different groups, some will not.

    Odds are there will be one somewhat like a majority White Old USA as envisioned by say Pat Buchannen or Whiskey or somebody. Such a place would be fine for you and probably me as well.

    A last point, all societues put a cap on which adult sleeps with who either formally by caste/class systems or by mob violence. This is the only way human societies ,all of which have to be to some degree collectivist, work.

  23. Matt Strickland,

    We don’t need to look too far into the future and speculate on outcomes. There could be multiple white secession movements culminating in multiple white ethno-states.

    The main problem is mojo and his lack of understanding as to the motivation for his declaration. On the surface, you would think that he was delegitimizing WN, but instead he was attempting to legitimize SEXUAL ANARCHY.

    While we are all focused on his Asian fascination, HIS PRINCIPLE is sexual anarchy.

    Meaning, within the context of WN, HE MUST wreak havoc ON PRINCIPLE.

    But the real problem is that he HAS PROVOKED and continues TO PROVOKE healthy AND unhealthy-minded Asian males to stew in their own hatred for “white man” and his plundering of “sunshine girls.”

    And he isn’t about to REALLY FIGHT for his “principle” or the Asian males likely to take exception.

    That fighting IS FOR US to have to do.

    So mojo is to Asian males what these “Western” devout dykes (you call them “Feminists” even though they have not one scintilla of femininity in them) are to American men. Emasculators.

    WN would disapprove of this and mojo think it oh so unfair.

    And then there is Vince.

    Like a “good Indian,” he minds mojo’s plundering not a wit EVEN if it were to include “Indians” of his sort.

    Again, an ode to sexual anarchy as “highest principle.”

    Just your everyday radical liberals.

    Is it any wonder why they say, “Eff white nationalism!”


    That’s a slave by any other name.

  24. Thor
    “Do you believe in objective Supremacy?”

    I’m going to guess by supremacy you mean superiority? Since obviously whitey isn’t supreme in any conventional sense of the word.

    In short no. I do appreciate the achievements of “white” civilization and I acknowledge that it has had it successes in certain fields. However IMO they do not amount to superiority. The fact is that the system white people have build is destroying them at an unbelievable rate. Not just in demographic terms but in degrading their ability to operate collectively, communicate with each other and even in their intellectual abilities as a race. It’s hard to see how that could mark out whitey as superior.

    The de facto “racial strategy” of whitey seems to be flawed as compared to that of other races. Quality over quantity is not really working out, and it’s seriously questionable as to whether whitey can deliver higher quality than other races at this point. The Far Eastern races in particular appear to be able to turn out a far more effective and capable individual on mass that whitey could dream of.

    I would say that whitey dominant unique racial characteristic is docility, they are the Labrador of the human species. That is not a quality upon which any sort of supremacy is going to be built.

  25. S.E. Whites aren’t especially docile If you look at our history of slaughter and conquest . Look at WW2 .

    Our current civilization encourages passivity because well, it has too. A modern state can’t function with high testosterone men and anyway Western lives are mostly comfortable. Few people act agro when things are not stressed. Its dangerous and wasteful behavior.

    Other races are a bit different but how much is nature and how much nurture is not for me to say.

    The current condition won’t last however and as such you’ll see The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon soon enough.

    As for objective supremacy on a personal level I am not a White Supremacist or even really care all that much who is better . White people are better because they are my people .Thats more than enough reason.

    • SE won’t listen, he’s a racist just like the WNs, but with the values reversed. He sits at the screen masturbating furiously as he shares his fantasies of the white race being bred out of existence.

  26. Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget;
    For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.
    There is many a fat farmer that drinks less cheerfully,
    There is many a free French peasant who is richer and sadder than we.
    There are no folk in the whole world so helpless or so wise.
    There is hunger in our bellies, there is laughter in our eyes;
    You laugh at us and love us, both mugs and eyes are wet:
    Only you do not know us. For we have not spoken yet.

    The fine French kings came over in a flutter of flags and dames.
    We liked their smiles and battles, but we never could say their names.
    The blood ran red to Bosworth and the high French lords went down;
    There was naught but a naked people under a naked crown.
    And the eyes of the King’s Servants turned terribly every way,
    And the gold of the King’s Servants rose higher every day.
    They burnt the homes of the shaven men, that had been quaint and kind,
    Till there was no bed in a monk’s house, nor food that man could find.
    The inns of God where no man paid, that were the wall of the weak.
    The King’s Servants ate them all. And still we did not speak.

    And the face of the King’s Servants grew greater than the King:
    He tricked them, and they trapped him, and stood round him in a ring.
    The new grave lords closed round him, that had eaten the abbey’s fruits,
    And the men of the new religion, with their bibles in their boots,
    We saw their shoulders moving, to menace or discuss,
    And some were pure and some were vile; but none took heed of us.
    We saw the King as they killed him, and his face was proud and pale;
    And a few men talked of freedom, while England talked of ale.

    A war that we understood not came over the world and woke
    Americans, Frenchmen, Irish; but we knew not the things they spoke.
    They talked about rights and nature and peace and the people’s reign:
    And the squires, our masters, bade us fight; and scorned us never again.
    Weak if we be for ever, could none condemn us then;
    Men called us serfs and drudges; men knew that we were men.
    In foam and flame at Trafalgar, on Albuera plains,
    We did and died like lions, to keep ourselves in chains,
    We lay in living ruins; firing and fearing not
    The strange fierce face of the Frenchmen who knew for what they fought,
    And the man who seemed to be more than a man we strained against and broke;
    And we broke our own rights with him. And still we never spoke.

    Our patch of glory ended; we never heard guns again.
    But the squire seemed struck in the saddle; he was foolish, as if in pain,
    He leaned on a staggering lawyer, he clutched a cringing Jew,
    He was stricken; it may be, after all, he was stricken at Waterloo.
    Or perhaps the shades of the shaven men, whose spoil is in his house,
    Come back in shining shapes at last to spoil his last carouse:
    We only know the last sad squires rode slowly towards the sea,
    And a new people takes the land: and still it is not we.

    They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
    Lords without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
    They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
    They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
    And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
    Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs.

    We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
    Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
    It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
    Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
    It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
    God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
    But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
    Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.

    GK Chesterton

    And when will we speak Matt

  27. Mojo, I have as much as any man and more than most, fought for the future of our race. And I lost. At least partly because of the idiots on my team shouting about the inherant greatness of Whitey and his manifest superiority to the delight of the opposition. Next time I take on the establishment I intend to do so in such a way that there is some prospect of victory because I am not here to win an argument, I’m here to win a revolution.

  28. I agree with some of the sentiments in this article. I am not a white nationalist but I do consider myself to have white pride and I am of the opinion that white Americans should pursue their racial survival within a multiracial society where the races have equal rights and the freedom to race-mix if they wish to do that as well as the freedom to refuse to date outside their race if that is what they wish.

  29. Reblogged this on seedofjapheth and commented:
    I agree with some of the sentiments in this article(other sentiments I maybe disagree with). I am not a white nationalist but I do consider myself to have white pride and I am of the opinion that white Americans should pursue their racial survival within a multiracial society where the races have equal rights and the freedom to race-mix if they wish to do that as well as the freedom to refuse to date outside their race if that is what they wish. White people do have a legitimate collective identity and White is a valid ethnic concept.

  30. 83, now 84 comments on this fucking subject. It kind of proves a point doesn’t it? Keep people bickering amongst themselves about meaningless shit, like race and we’ll get on with the important business of running the world for our own benefit. Drum roll nationalists: It doesn’t matter which culture you come from, or which country you live in. If you’re working class, you’re probably being fucked up the arse, every single day of your miserable life. The only way to stop this from happening is by getting together as groups of people who have common economic interests and fighting back. Without leaders, without bosses and without committees or vanguards or people who claim that they know better than you do.

  31. I’m a white-survivalist, white-separatist, and white nationalist. I’m not a Klansman, Nazi, or sympathizer. White-survivalism is just whites doing whatever it takes to defend fellow/lady whites from other races. That doesn’t mean going out to attack non-whites for being non-white. That would be white-supremacism. White-separatism is just whites opposing miscegenation. White-nationalism is just whites spending as much time as possible with fellow/lady whites and taking pride in the bloodline. That doesn’t mean excluding non-whites from the circle of friends for being non-white. That would also be white-supremacism.

  32. I like many White nationalists, but some are just too much. they think ALL Jews are evil.

    Thats like the left saying “All whites are evil”

    People should learn to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  33. Thank you ALL for confirming my own conviction.

    It’s not necessarily a SIN to race mix. It IS unnatural.

    And thus, in my opinion, NOT what God intended when he created the races to begin with.

    WHY would He make them if he secretly hopes we breed them back together???

    • God is a fucking delusion and the so called “races” were created by natural selection since humans prior to the last couple of centuries had no convenient way to cross large distances. This meant that certain phenotypes got more dominant in certain regions of the world. Of course most of you WN types are too thick to figure this out.

    • From the standpoint of anthropology and evolution, it isn’t about breeding “back together’ but males naturally have a tendency to prefer the exotic. Variety in genetic composition is a better survival mechanism that similarity; it’s why we don’t breed with our siblings. You could much more easily construct an argument that it is a sin than that it is unnatural.

  34. Great article! I think it could use a bit less vulgarity and a lot less hate, but I agree with the general sentiment. I WANT to like white nationalism but, as you’ve clearly articulated, most white nationalists are extremely ignorant and hateful. I would like to see a moderate, peaceful, non-extreme white nationalist movement develop.

  35. Another commie retard.
    You would attack whites for trying to form some kind of solidarity, but you don’t have the balls to say anything about Black Panthers saying all white people need to die.
    Your blog sucks.
    Anarchism is a juvenile form of communistic bullshit.

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