Men and Women

Are Men More Intelligent Than Women?

John Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn say yes, but Adrian Farnham says no. What do you think? Does it matter?

My position on this has always been to promote meritocracy. Whether women (or blacks or Mexicans or some other group) are on average less intelligent or not, if someone from a group whose average intelligence is lower than others can still rise according to their own abilities, then what does it matter? For instance, if women, blacks, or others are individually capable of being great scholars, scientists, inventors, or artists, and no one prevents them from doing so, then what else is there to be concerned about?

4 replies »

  1. Some men are more intelligent than some women, some women are more intelligent than some men. Overall, research has proven that there is an equal distribution of low, medium, and high iqs in both genders. Ultimately, intelligience has nothing to do with gender (or race, or sexual orientation.) Rather, it is all about the individual. This collectivist tendency to think in terms of groups rather than in individuals really needs to die out.

  2. Men are disproportionately represented at both sides of the Bell Curve, while women are disproportionately represented in the middle.

  3. It’s hard to say. It hinges on your definition of intelligence. IQ is only so good a measure.

    Men and women are different, and specialize in different things, and thus get good at different things. You can however always find outliers that someone will claim shows that this or that assertion as to what men and women are good at or “should do” is disproved, such as computer science (which is male dominated but has its female pioneers), or child care and human contact.

    Some observations I’ve done (which I’m sure someone can pick apart with a scalpel, but I don’t much care, again, it’s a generalization) is that men are more rationality-oriented, and seek traditional power and fame more, while women are better relaters, ie. you could say they have “better intelligence” in human and interpersonal contexts, and don’t engage themselves much in competitive games like men do.

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