
May Day: Degrowing the Work Week

May Day: Degrowing the Work Week!

The survival of humanity requires a massive decrease in harmful production
while increasing the necessities of life for impoverished people.  Who will
decide what is essential vs. unnecessary?  Should those decisions be made
by working people or left to the capitalist class and its politicians?  What do
union folk such as steelworkers, auto workers, and teamsters think their
role should be in a “just transition?”  How have German workers won a
shorter work week?  Most of all, how would a socially just society affect
the new wave of “gig” or “precarious” workers?  If you have worked for
a living, join the discussion.

Hear from:

Mike Stout, Steelworker, Green Party of Pittsburgh

Edith Heller, Workers for Future (Germany)

Michael Savwoir, Teamsters for a Democratic Union

Tino Scalici, United Auto Workers Local 249

Orlando Johnson, Gig worker, Green Party of California

Kim ScipesGreen Social Thought (moderator)

Registration details:  The webinar is NO COST, but you need to REGISTER to attend.

Click HERE to register for webinar or copy link into your browser:  https://bit.ly/3JpeJ3u

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on joining the meeting.

Spread the word and invite others via FACEBOOK at:


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