History and Historiography

The World’s Indigenous/Aboriginal/Native People

A lot of leftists have an overblown tendency to romanticize or fetishize native cultures (a tendency which originates from Rousseau’s “noble savage” myth). Just like a lot of “far-right” types do the same with the American pioneers, Vikings, Romans, or whomever. But when looking for models of what actual diversity would look like, it is helpful to examine the native cultures that existed on every continent before the rise of states and imperialism. What we can find are thousands of cultures reflecting a genuine “infinite diversity in infinite combinations.”

We should recognize that the “diversity” of liberalism amounts to the diversity of skin colors, genders, and sexual orientations within the context of the homogeneity of bourgeois consumer culture.  Diversity of this kind merely means the equal right of blacks, whites, men, women, gays, and straights to be wage slaves at Wal-Mart. Although sectors of the far-left may prefer a social democratic or even Marxist version of the same kind of diversity. Notice, for example, that both the neoliberals and the Left have so far failed to embrace modern manifestations of diversity such as transracialism or otherkinism probably because they don’t find these to be tactically useful.

The future of pan-anarchism should be, on one hand, as much diversity as we find in indigenous cultures, within the context of seasteads, space stations, sky cities, and Artic or subterranean colonies.


This is a partial list of the world’s indigenous / aboriginal / native people. Indigenous people are “those ethnic groups that were indigenous to a territory prior to being incorporated into a national state, and who are politically and culturally separate from the majority ethnic identity of the state that they are a part of”.[1] There are internationally recognized definitions of indigenous peoples, such as those of the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the World Bank.[citation needed]

This list is grouped by region, and sub-region. Note that a particular group may warrant listing under more than one region, either because the group is distributed in more than one region (example: Inuit in North America and eastern Russia), or there may be some overlap of the regions themselves (that is, the boundaries of each region are not always clear, and some locations may commonly be associated with more than one region).


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