
AlternativeRight.Com to be Launched on March 1

AlternativeRight.Com (it’s not up yet) will be launched on March 1. Pass the word. And if anyone would like to donate or knows any potential donors, then email Keith Preston at kppgarv@mindspring.com and the information will be passed along to AltRight’s editor, Richard Spencer.

Other contributors to this project will be Patrick Ford, Alex Birch, Srdja Trifkovic, Paul Gottfried, Richard Hoste, Kevin De Anna, Dylan Hales, Derek Turner, Alex Kurtagic, Marcus Epstein, Mark Hackard, Jack Donovan, Nina Kouprianova, Scott Locklin, and hopefully many others. Quite a diverse (in the genuine sense) and impressive roster. Be there on March 1.

Categories: Uncategorized

4 replies »

  1. Keith,

    You, Richard Spencer, Dylan Hales and Paul Gottfried are among my favorite writers. This will be good.


  2. Richard Spencer did a great job as managing editor of TakiMag, so I look forward to the launch of AlternativeRight.com.

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