Anti-Imperialism/Foreign Policy

Alan Dershowitz: We must unleash lawfare against the protesters!

In order to stop Hitler, the protesters’ lives must be destroyed by lawfare

Alan Dershowitz has been busy giving interviews, and in one of his latest he is promising to destroy the lives of the pro-Palestine protesters. His reasoning is that this is necessary to stop Hitler or something. 🙄

Here’s what he had to say:

So what can we glean from this video?

  1. The protesters are living rent-free in Alan’s head.
  2. Alan and his fellow travelers are scared shitless.
  3. The lawfare Dershowitz promises is an act of desperation.
  4. Dershowitz’s hysteria is also an admission of weakness.

You have to give it to the pro-Palestine protesters. As disorganized as they are, their actions have obviously scared the crap out of people like Alan Dershowitz. He appears to be consumed with stopping them because “Hitler” and that sort of thing. Yet none of the protesters I’ve seen have actually had any affiliation with or affection for National Socialism as it was practiced back in Hitler’s day.

This suggests a tremendous amount of fear on the part of Dershowitz and others like him. They are genuinely frightened that somehow or another, the protests will create a new Hitler or a new Nazi party in America. Wow! There’s some serious crazy for you to extrapolate such a thing from some college kids protesting Israel’s relentless attacks on Gaza.

This is a desperation move on Dershowitz’s part to try to stamp out the protests out. He appears to be convinced that if he threatens the protesters loudly enough, they will cave and melt away. This shows you how old Dershowitz is and how cut off from reality elites like him are when it comes to young people. How often do threats of punishment dissuade young people from doing what they want to do? Such attempts usually fail, and I doubt this one will sway many of the students away from protesting.

Threatening lawfare also shows weakness on the part of Dershowitz and those who agree with him. Instead of confronting the protesters by refuting their arguments, Dershowitz and company have decided to use lawfare to try to shut up all criticism of Israel. They cannot refute the political arguments of the protesters, and they know it. So instead, they retreat back to law and courts to try to destroy those who oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

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Dershowitz is a skilled enough lawyer to do some real damage to his chosen victims. I do not doubt that for a second. He will ruin some lives as he launches his lawsuits and drags various students through the court system. Dershowitz has been around a long time, and he is a shrewd operator when it comes to manipulating the law and using it as a weapon.

And yet, I still do not think it will be effective in shutting down the protests or in shutting down criticism of Israel in general. This is what Dershowitz does not understand and can likely never comprehend. In his mind, anybody who opposes the genocide in Israel is a nahtzee, and thus is fair game to have their life destroyed through lawfare.

But his thinking that that is so does not make it true. It just means that he’s living under a delusion, and his delusion has made him blind to the reality of the situation. No matter how many students he persecutes in the courts, there will be more to take their place at the protests. The only thing that can truly stop the protests is the end of the genocide in Gaza; as long as it continues, the protests will also continue.

He also forgets that most of the protesters are very young. They have something on their side that the elderly Dershowitz does not have: time. Sure, in the short term, he can temporarily destroy some of their lives, but that damage can be repaired over time. Dershowitz cannot stop this; he can only lash out angrily and feebly, desperately trying to use his money, connections, and legal experience to hurt those he hates.

In the end, all of his efforts will all turn to dust, as will Dershowitz himself, when his life comes to its natural end, and he passes away from old age. After he has left this life, the students he hates will still be alive, and it is they who will have the final word in all of his.

Dust in the wind, indeed.

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