Economics/Class Relations

Personalism’s Critique of Socialism and Capitalism

Question: Are the “directors” in the quote around the 14:00 mark bureaucrats and any job considered “administration” or “management”. It makes me think of James Burnham’s “Managerial Revolution” book and observations of office based middle management predominance in most sectors since then. If directors refers to something completely different it would be helpful to know that.
I think it is important when pointing out the shared themes of socialism and capitalism to mention that they are also both somewhat thematically progressive in that they more deeply integrate a notion of change due to human agency compared to worldviews that came before them. For most of human history, the notion of progress literally didn’t exist as evidenced by mountains of highly anachronistic art. The widespread concept of a historical narrative even existing is something that I feel we take for granted in the modern era due to our framework of an educational framework which was also highly influenced by Christian scholasticism.

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