
The 2020 Election and the State’s Crisis of Legitimacy

By William S. Lind, Traditional Right

For millions of Americans, perhaps as many as one-third of the population, the results of the popular vote contest in the 2020 election of the President remain in doubt. Because the Electoral College, not the voters, elects the President, there is no question that Joe Biden now holds that office. But his legitimacy depends on whether the popular vote count was accurate. Was it? No one knows, and no one can know.

Until recent years, voting and vote counting in America had long followed certain rules. Votes were cast on paper ballots. Unless you could demonstrate you had to be out of town on election day, your only opportunity to vote was on that day in your local precinct. Those who had to be out of town could get an absentee ballot, but the number of people who did so was small. Votes were counted under observation of representatives of both major political parties, and the paper ballots were retained for a set time after the election so they could be recounted. The system was not tamper-proof–ballot box stuffing in Cook County, Illinois, turned the 1960 election for Kennedy–but over the years fraud had become increasingly rare. The vast majority of Americans had faith in the integrity of the electoral process, and they were right to do so. The process was accepted as legitimate.


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