
Libertarian presidential candidate looks to get rid of the federal government

Watch here. Adam Kokesh is running for the Libertarian Party nomination on a platform of ending the federal government for real. Not “enforcing the Tenth Amendment, ” not “going back to the Constitution,” not “reducing the size and scope of the federal government,” not “tax cuts and deregulation” or any other mainstream conservative/neoliberal-libertarian bullshit.

Adam has the right idea, but I’m not sure he’s the right kind of leader given his failed, over the top, armed march on Washington from a few years ago, and his much publicized domestic abuse issues. The ideal revolutionary leader would have a clean image and one that exhibits uber-competence, and not have a personal history of instability (mental illness, alcoholism/drug addiction, domestic violence, financial corruption, etc). I don’t really care about any of those things myself. It’s more about marketing.

I like what Adam says in the video, and I think he’s on the right track. But he brings too much personal baggage, and the LP is not the right forum for this. Fringe parties don’t reach a large audience. For a range of tactical and propagandistic reasons, what we need is an American version of someone like Carne Ross running as a Democrat on the same platform that Adam is suggesting, and a Ron Paul-type running as a Republican on a parallel platform (thereby covering the left and right wing bases simultaneously).

This is not to say that electoralism/reformism is the means by which the state will be abolished per se, only that Adam’s idea applied in a competently and strategically executed way would be an excellent marketing/propaganda/strategic effort.

Categories: Uncategorized

2 replies »

  1. Adam Kokesh is running his usual Libertarian side hustle. He is largely unknown outside of his band of Adam Bot’s.
    Move on folks, there’s nothing here to see….

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