
A Libertarian Case Against Immigration

Article by Peter Brimelow. Viewing Brimelow’s article along with this piece from Anthony Gregory and Walter Block makes for an interesting comparison/contrast.
Walter Block says that it was contemplating this phenomenon of one ethnic group swamping another, specifically the Russians swamping the Baltic Republics, that caused Murray Rothbard to rethink his previously uncritical libertarianism on immigration.

Americans are taught that “Diversity is our strength.” But diversity is not strength. It is weakness, for a wide range of reasons. America, notably including its libertarians, has not thought through the implications of the post-Communist break-up into their component nations of the syncretic states that sought to base themselves on ideology or creed, as the US is now being encouraged to—the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

Hayek had an interesting quasi-sociobiological explanation for the apparently immortal appeal of socialism. He argued that for essentially all of human history, we lived in small hunter-gatherer bands. Face-to-face relationships are much more intuitively comprehensible to us than impersonal ones. So a rent increase provokes the urge to bash the greedy landlords with rent controls, despite all the evidence that this reaction leads merely to shortages and inequity.

To extend Hayek’s point, it’s much easier to demonize a landlord if his features—language, religion—appear alien.

There is a reason there are no families in Ayn Rand’s novels. It’s because libertarianism is too often an incomplete philosophy. It takes little or no account of the non-atomistic aspect of the human experience, of human groups, their dynamics and differences.

It was to supply that lack that Rothbard and others tried to bring into existence a refinement of libertarianism, which incidentally accepted the need to control immigration: paleolibertarianism.

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