
Even the Stormfronters get it, when the anarcho-leftoids don't

Someone showed me these comments about myself on the “Stormfront” white nationalist site. Read them here.

Now why is it that even fascists, Nazis, and “white supremacists” can discuss my perspective with some level of honesty, accuracy, and intelligence, but anarcho-leftoids can’t? What is it about contemporary anarchism that it seems to attract such dregs? Are such elements simply a manifestation of the decay of our civilization in its most extreme form? How did an ideological movement that is supposedly so visionary and far-sighted degenerate to its present level? Perhaps Ortega y Gasset had the answer to this perplexing question.

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16 replies »

  1. I agree with this analysis entirely, and I understand the point you’re making: that anarchism has devolved into idiocy the same as the rest of our culture has, because of the introduction of egalitarian democracy. (Even though he applies this degradation to liberal-constitutional democracy, a system I’m sure is a thin front for tyranny.) The question now is this: without egalitarian democracy as a component of anarchist philosophy, what alternative do we adopt as a replacement?

  2. Meritocratic individualism is the natural opposite to egalitarian democracy.

    Most anarcho-leftoids are the products of the very institutions that have contributed to the general reigning idiocracy: public schools, universities, the mass media, the therapeutic-welfare state, and the prevailing PC ideology that dominates all of these. Plus, a lot of them have gotten this stuff from their parents.

    In other words, they think of themselves as “rebelling” against society by espousing PC platitudes and trendy causes because the System has indoctrinated them to think this is what being a “rebel” really means. Keep in mind that the prevaling ideology of the present ruling class is: “Permanent Revolution Against American Society as It Was in 1950” until we were liberated from the dark ages of racism, sexism, homophobia, ablism, looksism, speciesism, fuel-inefficient automobiles, sexual repression and all that. For this ideology to have any legitimacy, the ruling class has to perpetually put out the claim that a coup by the neo-fascist, Christian-Right, global warming denialist, yadda, yadda, yadda, lurks just around the corner and will bring us back to the days of segregated lunch counters, masturbation taboos, and DDT. This is why shysters like the ADL and the SPLC are so wealthy. This is the ideology that is disseminated by schools, the media, university humanities departments, the entertainment industry, and other usual suspects. It’s also more common in institutions like the military, the corporate world, the police and other supposed “conservative” institutions than many people realize.

    The so-called “conservatives” that are demonized so vociferously by the Left are really just a manifestation of the hawkish, less internationalist, more America-centric and pro-Likud wing of the ruling class, who are usually just as culturally cosmopolitan as anything on the Left, at least at the elite level. The neocons and their allies in the corporate and military sectors play to the social conservatism of the yahoos who listen to talk radio, but it’s just a ruse. The ironic thing is that the Left believes the neocons’ propaganda just as fervently as the talk radio fans.

    I’m not being facetious here. I know college students who thought that John Roberts’ appointment to the Supreme Court really did mean a return to “whites only” water fountains. I know thirtysomethings with graduate educations who teach history in public schools and think that the present-day religious right and the eugenics movement from the early 20th c are the same thing. They think some nut like Fred Phelps really does represent the values of Middle America. The level of ignorance I have found among so-called “educated” people is really rather astounding. In fact, I don’t think so-called “educated” people are the primary constituency for the kind of radical movement I envision at all. For instance, the Zogby poll that Kirk Sale commissioned a few years ago showed that the more formal education someone has, the less likely they are to favor secession.

    As far as reversing this, I think the first thing is to get the state out of the educational system and the media altogether. This means total separation of education and state, and it means dismantling the broadcast licensing system that contributes to centralized control over the media. The opposite of the present system would be localized educational systems, local media, or decentralized media outlets representing a plurality of value systems (the internet is becoming this to some degree). Universities would be independent institutions like churches are at present.

    Beyond that, attacking economic policies and institutions that contribute to dependency and infantilism are especially important. This includes the institutions of the therapeutic-welfare state obviously, but it also includes economic policies that create barriers to self-sufficiency and make the public more dependent on corporate sources of employment and consumption.

    Have you ever read Hans Hermann Hoppe’s “Democracy: The God That Failed”? He describes how this process of infantilism and idiocratization works fairly thoroughly. He basically takes the analysis of Ortega y Gasset and Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and applies it within a Rothbardian framework. I think Hoppe’s thesis would be strengthened if he attacked the role of corporate institutions more thoroughly than what his Misesian outlook will allow for. Incorporating some of Carson’s insights into Hoppe’s analytical framework would strengthen Hoppe’s thesis immensely. Also, I think Hoppe’s rather reactionary cultural conservatism hinders his analysis a bit. I think Thomas Szasz’s broader attack on the therapeutic state is the antidote on that question.

  3. Ah, yes. The leftards delude themselves into thinking that isms, phobias, archies, and “organized religion” are the mainstream’s order of the day, so that by “fighting” those elements that makes them cultural rebels. This is exactly what Kacynski was saying in his essay, Industrial Society And Its Future.

    As someone who suffered through 12 years in the public education gulag, I am well familiar with their brainwashing techniques. I distinctly remember having to read “Teaching Tolerance” pamphlets in class at age 8, and then in junior high my young colleagues and I were subjected to an entire “hate” unit, the materials for which were supplied by the ADL. (We were informed on how to detect intolerance in our communities, and how to fight it!)

    I largely agree with you that political correctness is essentially a slave morality that infantilizes those raised within it. By conditioning people to think they have a right not to be insulted, it fosters an entitlement mentality whereby hurt feelings are seen as equivalent to physical injury, and having your feelings hurt makes you a victim. Hence, your feelings are to be “protected” through the use of speech codes and laws, all implemented by people in power. (This is the equivalent of crying to mommy, daddy, or teacher when someone howts youw feeewings.) In reality, it should be taken for granted that hurtful people and hurtful speech is inevitable and unavoidable, and can only be remedied by confronting them directly by yourself or ignoring it and standing your ground like a man. Unfortunately, those “protected” by PC have become so infantilized that this self-evident fact, a must for functioning in the adult world, has never even occured to them. “Sensitivity” trumps the venerable sticks and stones, and our culture sinks further down the drain because of it.

    “Equality” functions the same way. Obviously, if all men were created equal, then all men would create equal results. However, once one enters the social envieronment and natural hierarchies begin to emerge, it becomes all to clear that this is not the case. There is a darwinian aspect to human existence in this regard. Of course, people don’t want to acknowledge this inconvenient truth so they invent the myth of “equality” to gloss over a harsh reality.

    What’s so immensely frustrating is this: Why do people continually devise pleasent myths to negate an unpleasent reality, when doing such has a long track record of disastrous results? Why can’t people just accept and affirm natural laws and facts, rather than letting the soft emotions (which i consider one of our species’s weaknesses) cloud their thinking?

  4. Amen.

    Kaczynski’s essay, particularly the section titled “The Mass Psychology of Leftism,” is actually rather insightful. Incidentally, I don’t see guys like Kaczynski or McVeigh as insane. I simply see them as people whose values differ so radically with those of the mainstream society that they come to see the mainstream society as the enemy and take up arms against it. They’re no different that the infinite number of guerrilla armies that emerged in the 3rd World during the 20th century.

    ” I distinctly remember having to read “Teaching Tolerance” pamphlets in class at age 8, and then in junior high my young colleagues and I were subjected to an entire “hate” unit, the materials for which were supplied by the ADL.”

    Yes, the PC cultists are no different from the DARE officers who show up and try to convince you to turn in your pot-smoking friends and relatives to the PIGS (“for their own good, of course”-sarcasm). Or the military recruiters.

    “Unfortunately, those “protected” by PC have become so infantilized that this self-evident fact, a must for functioning in the adult world, has never even occured to them. “Sensitivity” trumps the venerable sticks and stones, and our culture sinks further down the drain because of it.”

    Exactly. The blow up I had a while back with the “leftoid libertarians” is symbolic of that. What do the criticisms of myself offered by that crowd amount to other than, “No one had better ever hurt my feelings by making fun of my personal peculiarities”? One of my favorite illustrations of this is a left-anarchist gay militant who told me some years ago concerning N-As and “conservative” anarchists: “I don’t give two shits how non-coercive they are, or how decentralized their state is, they want to uphold the status quo of straight, white, male hegemony and live in communes where no one is a feminist, person of color, or queer.” (his words) Aside from the fact that this is not a fully accurate interpretation of either “anarchisms of the right” or of how mainstream society actually works, it basically asserts that the purpose of “anarchism” ought to be to police other people’s opinions, personal values, lifestyle choice, and associative patterns (you know, kind of like the Saudi’s morality police.)

    ” However, once one enters the social envieronment and natural hierarchies begin to emerge, it becomes all to clear that this is not the case. There is a darwinian aspect to human existence in this regard. Of course, people don’t want to acknowledge this inconvenient truth so they invent the myth of “equality” to gloss over a harsh reality.”

    That’s another reason why I regard thinkers like Nietzsche and Stirner, or thinkers within the Machiavellian tradition, to be so much more radical than either the liberals or the Marxists. It’s those kinds of thinkers who come closest to staring into the “abyss” of a harsh, unfriendly, purposeless universe that Nietzsche described.

    “What’s so immensely frustrating is this: Why do people continually devise pleasent myths to negate an unpleasent reality, when doing such has a long track record of disastrous results? Why can’t people just accept and affirm natural laws and facts, rather than letting the soft emotions (which i consider one of our species’s weaknesses) cloud their thinking?”

    Same reason as some people abuse drugs. It’s an attempted retreat into un-reality. I’ve heard it said that if religion is the opium of the masses, then utopianism is the cocaine of the intellectuals.

    Your description of your educational background is interesting. It’s way, way, different from mine, let me tell you. I grew up in a religious subculture that actually came close to being the parody of what leftist intellectuals imagine Middle America to be. That was in the 70s. I only went to public schools for 2 years when I was in my mid-teens and that was in a rural Virginia county in the early 80s, years before PC found its way into the schools outside the major metro areas. I never encountered PC until I was a university student in my 20s. That’s when I first heard terms like “ageism” and PC was still mostly a subculture during those days. After associating with people like that for a few years, I was like “What a bunch of twits!” Early on I noticed the crybaby “poor me, I’m so oppressed” attitudes of those kinds of people.

  5. Ironically, I see the fact that the 88ers and hackenkrauzers get where you come from as further ammunition for the leftoids, who will continue not to get you.

  6. Do you think that the “crybaby” mentality and the “Get over it!” way of thinking mutually (and unwittingly) reinforce each other?

    I mean, the fact that resilience is a necessity to survive life’s trials doesn’t negate the fact that there some spiteful cunts in the world; bullies abound and, in many cases, a “get over it” often attains the opposite of the desired effect on the ones hurt by such people.

    I often hear the mantra “bullying builds character”, but this seems like something of a rationalization for maintaining a status quo of some sort; besides, looking at the ranks of the “victims” and “crybabies” kinda disproves that line of thinking.

  7. I was born in the late-1980’s and as such had the misfortune of coming of age during the Clinton era, when political correctness was well entrenched. So yes, my education was largely one of politically correct indoctrination. We were taught to celebrate diversity, which was our greatest strength. We taught not to tolerate intolerance, to be insensitivity, and to always use the correct hyphenated terms. This came in the form of classroom visits, speakers, and “presentations” in the auditorium. We were also “enriched” by programs designed to “increase awareness” of third world cultures.

    This occured in northeast Wisconsin, which is really Jim Goad’s America. Working class people, rural and agrarian, either very catholic or very lutheran (the evangelical strain espoused by the religious right never took on here), lottery tickets, monster truck ralleys, “trout fishin” and deer slayin”, etc. Yet for some odd reason, the educational system was controlled by urbane middle class liberals with an agenda of social engineering.

    Thankfully, their agenda has failed, as most people around here still identify politically as right-wing populists or paleos (I live only 3 blocks from the John Birch Society’s national headquarters, and I drive by there everday on my way to work.)

  8. “Ironically, I see the fact that the 88ers and hackenkrauzers get where you come from as further ammunition for the leftoids, who will continue not to get you.”

    Well, I realized a long time ago that if I announced that strawberry is my favorite flavor of ice cream, and if David Duke then came along and said, “Yeah, strawberry is my favorite, too!”, then the leftoids would say, “See! Preston has the same favorite ice cream as Duke! Preston is a fascist!”

  9. “Do you think that the “crybaby” mentality and the “Get over it!” way of thinking mutually (and unwittingly) reinforce each other?”

    In one of my other lives, I was a psychology student, and I was in the field of rehabilitation, mostly drug/alcohol addiction, but also with some exposure to physical rehabilitation for people who had suffered devastating physical injuries. One thing that I learned was that you never want to encourage self-pity or a “the world owes me” mentality among such people, because it actually hinders their ability to recover and function at the most optimal level possible.

    With regard to addicts/alcoholics, one thing I immediately noticed in that field was that so many with those problems seemed to have a rather developed talent for feeling sorry for themselves. They would then use that as an excuse for their other behaviors, or they would use bad experiences from the past as a justification for their present fuck-ups.

    Yes, there are shitty people in the world, and there always will be. I don’t agree with ideas like “bullying builds character”, because that just gives carte blanche license to the bullies. It’s more a matter of “the bullies ye shall always have with you.”

  10. “So yes, my education was largely one of politically correct indoctrination. We were taught to celebrate diversity, which was our greatest strength. We taught not to tolerate intolerance, to be insensitivity, and to always use the correct hyphenated terms. This came in the form of classroom visits, speakers, and “presentations” in the auditorium. ”

    Sounds like all the chapel services I sat through as a kid where some loser or charlatan got up and started talking about the mortal danger of satanic rock music, Playboy magazine, homosexuals, and women in mini-skirts. Did you ever get a presentation by a real life ex-Nazi who “saw the light”? Those always reminded me of the born-agains who get up tell about what a fuck-up and loser they were until they found “JEEEZZZZZUUUUSSSS!!!!!!!!!”.

    “This occured in northeast Wisconsin, which is really Jim Goad’s America. Working class people, rural and agrarian, either very catholic or very lutheran (the evangelical strain espoused by the religious right never took on here), lottery tickets, monster truck ralleys, “trout fishin” and deer slayin”, etc. ”

    These are the people we need to reach. They will be a vital, even primary, part of our constituency if and when we ever become politically competitive. Right now, they have no real voice, unless you count the shysters on talk radio.

    ” Yet for some odd reason, the educational system was controlled by urbane middle class liberals with an agenda of social engineering. ”

    The PC Left has made a very conscious effort to seize control of the educational system.

    “Thankfully, their agenda has failed, as most people around here still identify politically as right-wing populists or paleos (I live only 3 blocks from the John Birch Society’s national headquarters, and I drive by there everday on my way to work.)”

    No kidding! At the height of my left-anarchist phase 20 years ago, there was one of the JBS “American Opinion” bookstores near me. I went in once and got some of their materials. I was surprised to found out how much I agreed with much of what they said.

  11. “One thing that I learned was that you never want to encourage self-pity or a “the world owes me” mentality among such people, because it actually hinders their ability to recover and function at the most optimal level possible.”

    Native American anarchist here. This pretty much sums up the mentality of entire tribes. The welfare state took up where the warfare state left off as far as natives go. Because overt oppression is no longer acceptable, neutering a population with dependency is the 2nd best way to keep a people down.

    There are some resilient tribes out there. Some have survived hundreds of years of harassment, murder and general savagery from neighboring tribes. These “thick skinned” tribes that have developed a culture that allows them to repel such external threats when possible, and hunker down and endure them when not possible. Such tribes will survive intact in their little pockets of the world. National Anarchism already exists to some extent in these communities.

  12. they are mindless corpses. they are ambling zombies allways spoutin’ the same shit over and over,and over,and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over,and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over,and over,and over,and over,and over,and over………..

  13. “There are some resilient tribes out there. Some have survived hundreds of years of harassment, murder and general savagery from neighboring tribes. These “thick skinned” tribes that have developed a culture that allows them to repel such external threats when possible, and hunker down and endure them when not possible. Such tribes will survive intact in their little pockets of the world. National Anarchism already exists to some extent in these communities.”

    Yes, great point! Well said. I recall Russell Means making the argument in his autobiography that if one wants to really know what the overlords of the global plutocratic empire have in store for all peoples, then just take a look at how they have treated the Native Americans.

  14. Thanks!

    Russell Means is a controversial figure; especially since a lot of Natives threw in with the Obama crowd. His character is frequently attacked without addressing the points he makes. Yes, even Native Americans have a political elite, and yes, they resort to typical attacks on potential threats to their power. He actually says what a lot of people think, but are afraid to confess: that dealing with the feds on their terms via the tribal political system that they created is a losing proposition. But changing that system means that those Native Americans that have benefited from the political power bestowed upon them would find themselves without power and without jobs. So the charade of voting for Obama and going to Washington D.C. to press Indian rights and treaties continues, while nothing changes.

    Hope lies in those tribes with a long, intact racial and cultural memory. The Iroquois Confederation are known to get fiesty over their borders. I’m convinced the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest would make it out the other end of a nuclear holocaust intact. Alaskans are known to shoot holes in the pipe line. The plains Indians have the Lakota’s history of resistance to look to. Pacific Northwest tribes could be stirred to defend their salmon runs. There’s a lot of possibilities, as long as the National Congress of American Indians can be shown the door, and active resistance/direct action demonstrated as the most effective means of defending Indian Country. Anyway….. don’t get me started!

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