Category: American Decline

Map of permaculture projects worldwide A growing list of permaculture projects worldwide This will be the premier place to find out who is doing what, and where, in the permaculture world. You can search for projects by keyword, and/or filter to specific project types. You can even constrain your search by climate […]

34 Signs That America Is In Decline

Michael Snyder Economic Collapse The United States is clearly in an advanced state of decline.  Many people around the world (and even inside America) rejoice at this, but not me.  I mourn for the country that I was born in and that I still love.

Will the Supreme Court Kill Used Bookstores?

From ___________ By Christopher Balogh On October 29, the Supreme Court heard the arguments of a copyright case involving the right to resell imported goods in the United States. The goods in question were college textbooks but the outcome could affect whether copyrighted goods made overseas can […]

Revenge of the Reality-Based Community

By Bruce Bartlett I know that it’s unattractive and bad form to say “I told you so” when one’s advice was ignored yet ultimately proved correct. But in the wake of the Republican election debacle, it’s essential that conservatives undertake a clear-eyed assessment of who on their side was […]

Let’s Bulldoze a Big Box Shopping Center

Are traditional urban environments an antidote to mass consmerism, big box retailer-dominated markets, and stale strip mall culture? Nathan Lewis thinks we should start bulldozing suburban shopping malls and strip malls and replace them with traditional urban environments: really narrow streets, thoughtfully designed public places, no space wasted […]

Happy Holidays; now go buy some crap!

As Jack Donovan said: National armies are mobilized to protect global business interests from disruption. They aren’t protecting you from invasion….. American troops are keeping the supply lines running, so that you can keep buying shit. So this holiday season, make sure that our boys in the military […]

Join, or Die

by R.J. Jacob

Conspiratorialism and traditional distrust in elites has shaped American history since its initial conception beginning with the Anglo-Republicanism of the 17th century and it’s conspiratorial views of Charles I and James II, to the Boston Tea Party British colonists who saw

Progressives on the Secession Petitions

by Spencer Pearson

hat would have happened if Romney had won the recent presidential election? Let us remember that the margin, at least in the popular vote was 2.8%, so this is hardly an unthinkable proposition. It’s a fairly safe bet that there would be a fairly safe bet that there would be a fairly substantial debate going on right now as to how much racism played a part in Obama’s defeat. There would undoubtedly be a general gnashing of teeth

Voting By Sex, Age, Race, Money, And Education Henry Blodget 270 to Win The New York Times has an awesome graphical breakdown of voting data from the 2012 Presidential election. In case you had any doubt about how the country breaks down along gender, age, race, financial status, religion, education, and community lines, just have […]

A Vote of “No Confidence?”

Jack Donovan I fully expected Barack Obama to be elected to a second term as President of the United States of America. On Electorbation Day, I voted with my ass. Apparently, so did a lot of people, and that’s exactly the outcome I was hoping for.

The Lull Before the Social Storm

By Jack D. Douglas Lew Rockwell Vast social revolutions and wars are often preceded by periods of giving up on reforms, despairing withdrawal from public life by the best and brightest, and even peacefulness which seems to have become the normal condition in spite of deep conflicts and […]

Peak Oil and the Challenging Years Ahead

Without substitutes at a price that the economy can afford, economies will adapt to lower amounts of oil they can afford by worsening recession, debt defaults, and reduced international trade. There may be tendency for international alliances (such as the Euro) to fall apart, for countries to break into smaller units (Catalonia secede from Spain, or countries break up the way the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia did).

Ramzpaul’s Murkan Exceptionalism: Fail

The YouTube celebrity, ramzpaul, is a smart guy and probably means well in a bungling, Republican sort of way. He likely thinks that he is a conscientious racialist. He is also an observant and clever opportunist. But predominantly, he is a Murka-Firster.

Ramzpaul has piggy-backed onto the viral YouTube video released by the French group, Génération Indentitaire, with his own “A New Declaration of Independence.” He might possibly be horrified to know that the French are one of the most legislatively virulent European nations for keeping Murkan schlock culture out of their country. He might be further horrified to know that Bloc Identitaire, the organization behind Génération Identitaire, rejects the Murkan innovation of crass “White Nationalism.” The BI is allied with secessionist movements of a similar outlook in Portugal, Catalonia, Holland, Belgium (Vlaams Belang), and Italy (Lega Nord). The philosophical core of BI is Ethno Nationalism, not imperialistic, Murkan “White Nationalism.”

Joe Rogan Interviews Amber Lyon

Amber Lyon is a former CNN journalist who exposed widespread censorship at the news agency. Topics include the collaboration between the media, the U.S. government and foreign dictatorships,  the situation in Bahrain, Israel, Iran, NDAA, Wikileaks, whistleblowers, the Anaheim protests, media propaganda, journalism, the police state, false flag […]

Anarchy in rural Oregon

The Columbian The law in their own hands in Oregon timber country An Oregon sheriff lost funding and citizens stepped in O’BRIEN, Ore. — There’s no room in the county jail for burglars and thieves. And the sheriff’s department in a vast, rural corner of southwest Oregon has […]

Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says ‘War-Like’ Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors

“These are the men and women who we look to protect us… and police officers can’t protect you if they’re not there. Officers are leaving simply because they can’t afford to stay in Detroit and work 12 hour shifts for what they are getting paid… These police officers are beyond demoralized, these officers are leaving hand over fist because they can no longer afford to stay on the department and protect the public,” he said.

And that’s why Iorio cautions those who enter the city to be wary.

“The explosion in violent crime, the incredible spike in the number of homicides and for officers trying to work 12 hours in such deplorable, dangerous and war like conditions is simple untenable,” he said.

Attack the System: Political Predictions

In the latest installment of Attack the System, Keith Preston uses observations and statistical data from the past and present of American politics to make convincing predictions about what to expect in the future.

Topics discussed:

  • The increasing polarization evident even within the Republican and Democratic parties
  • The traditional “binding force” uniting the Left in America
  • The traditional “binding force” uniting the Right in America
  • The Tea Party, the Militia Movement, and Secessionist movements
  • The Politically Correct Left and when it will show its fangs
  • What to expect as America declines, and how we can be ahead of the game
  • Tim Wise’s moment of honesty
  • The pervasiveness of instant gratification
  • What will happen when the Left can no longer rally its constituent groups around the “WASP boogeyman”
  • Much more

Anarchy is not the Death of the West

by Rachel Haywire

Anarchy is not the bottom of the totem pole. It is not degradation. Anarchy is when both the totem pole and degradation are overthrown. There seems to be a common misconception that anarchy = anarchism and this idea gets more and more popular as the definition of anarchy turns more and more into the definition of anarchism.

Why the Radical Left Should Consider Secession

Kirkpatrick Sale of the Middlebury Institute recently observed that there is presently “more attention being paid to secession than any time since 1865” and predicts that “one of the American states will vote for its independence in the next 10 years.” Neo-secessionist sentiments are frequently stereotyped as a characteristic […]