
Left News Digest: June 12, 2022 The Intercept-New PAC Backed by Bakari Sellers Plans to Spend $1 Million to Unseat Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. John Garamendi Launch Plan to Stop Defense Contractor Price Gouging

Sara Sirota

The legislation follows investigations showing that aerospace company TransDigm made millions in excess profits off military contracts.


Jan. 6 Hearings Seek to Remind a Forgetful Nation About the Day Donald Trump Almost Engineered a Coup

James Risen

For a country where few people remember what happened before last week’s verdict in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard case, Thursday night’s hearing provided a gut-punch reminder of the violence of the insurrection.


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New PAC Backed by Bakari Sellers Plans to Spend $1 Million to Unseat Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Akela Lacy

With stated aims to support Black communities and narrow the racial wealth gap, the group is financed by a billionaire hedge fund investor who also funds Republicans and AIPAC.



Iran Is Backing Out of the Nuclear Deal That U.S. Had Already Reneged On for Years

Murtaza Hussain

Iran made the latest move of noncompliance, but the path to war was paved by the United States’ withdrawal from the agreement.



ICE Searched LexisNexis Database Over 1 Million Times in Just Seven Months

Sam Biddle

LexisNexis usage logs for Immigration and Customs Enforcement for seven months totaled 1,211,643 searches and 302,431 “reports.”



The Truth Never Mattered at Guantánamo

Elise Swain

The deceit and lies and cover-ups of the worst moments in post-9/11 history have created an endless stage of hypocrisy for all the world to see.


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