Kick the Puppy

Kick the Puppy Episode 2


Keith & R.J. cover the news of the week

Topics include:

McCain finally dies, guns and oil with Israel and Saudi Arabia, Jill Stein VS everybody, people actually read the National Enquirer, media gone tribal, atheist mega churches, underground assemblies, having something to belong to, Yemen retaliates against Saudi Arabia, another desecrated statue, blood accusation, big breasts, more and more non-professional types are reporting to CPS, when we were kids, nearly half the population is poor, educated conspiracy theorists, Silicon Valley is weird, bottled water anxiety, Aryan aliens.

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Categories: Kick the Puppy

3 replies »

  1. I wouldn’t classify the NASCAR driver’s situation as “blood libel” (that’s a term with a very different meaning than you’re assigning it). What it looks a lot more like is the post-Russian-revolution assignment of people as “class enemies” based on their parents having been pre-revolution bourgeoisie, etc.

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