Culture Wars/Current Controversies

Animal Rights Protest in Barcelona


Animal rights activists from the group “Animal Equality” staged a demonstration in Barcelona, Spain, in front of the Cathedral of Barcelona, during “Day Without Meat” event on March 20, 2013. Demonstrators simulated raw meat packaging found in supermarkets, by covering human models with fake blood and plastic sheets, in an attempt to raise awareness and move people to stop eating meat.


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“Animal Equality” is an international non-profit animal rights organization whose purpose is “to achieve equal consideration and respect for animals, and the abolition of animal slavery”. The group is known to organize street demonstration to promote respect for animals. Unlike PETA, who organized an identical demonstration three years ago, “Animal Equality” also carry out direct actions such as rescuing pigs from slaughterhouses, and raiding warehouses where 40,000 were held captive hens. In June 2008, they carried out two joint operations in the La Monumental bullring in Barcelona after one of the bulls died.




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Spain Day Without Meat Protest





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