Category: Electoralism/Democratism

A Reminder of Why I am an Anarchist

The current public health/economic crisis is definitely a reminder of why I am an anarchist. Thus far, the responses to the situation by the various factions of the state/ruling class/power elite have been as follows: Republicans: “The ruling class is suffering. Let’s bail them out! Maybe give a […]

Biden seeks Wall Street approved VP pick

Is a Biden-Harris ticket brewing? As one who does not believe in voting, in the 2016 election I was rooting for Trump from the sidelines on the grounds that, comparatively speaking, Trump was the most “left-wing” (anti-imperialist, anti-corporatist) candidate when compared to the Dragon Lady, which of course […]

Tulsi Goes the "My Friend Joe" Route

The Democratic primaries have reaffirmed my longstanding conviction that electoral politics is a joke and a waste of time. The Democrats had literally dozens of candidates, including some fairly interesting ones (Tusli, Bernie, Yang, Williamson, Ojeda, Gravel) and who gets the nomination? Some dude with dementia who has […]

Neoliberals Stage a Comeback

In a few decades, if not sooner, “conservatism” in the US will look a lot like the Biden Democrats of today, and “liberalism” will look like the Sanders Democrats. Today’s “conservatives” will assume the same role as the right-wing populist parties in Europe, i.e. loud but rather marginal.

Will Today Be a Sanders Sweep?

538 seems to think so. I always figured when the voting started in the primaries Sanders would start to do very well. So far, I’ve been right. A Sanders vs. Trump election would be…interesting. The corporate Democrats are certainly circling their wagons at this point (not that they […]