Month: April 2020

Social Classes in the United States

Back in 1983, Paul Fussell published a classic work that outlined his theory of class stratification in the US.  The book discussed not only the socioeconomic positions but also the cultural and lifestyle aspects of different classes. I’ve generally found Fussell’s analysis to be as good as any. […]

Video Shows McDonald’s Banning Black People In China, Social Justice Activists IGNORING China

Theoretically, both Russia and China (the Eastern wings of the International Five Families) are societies that meet most of the characteristics of what Westerners think of as “fascism.” Both exhibit chauvinistic nationalism, authoritarian statism, “crony capitalism,” wide class divisions, patriarchy, racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. Neither one is particularly […]

AOC stunning admission about Joe Biden

Alexandria cements her subservience to neoliberalism and her “momma bear” Nancy Pelosi. Reformism fails again. Trump’s populist-nationalism is arguably to the left of Biden’s neoliberalism/liberal-imperialism, just as France’s National Front has moved to the left of the neoliberals on economics and international relations. Regrettably, most “progressives” are so […]

Voltarine de Cleyre, the Anarchist Tradition, and the Political Challenge

Voltairine de Cleyre’s concept of “anarchism without adjectives” (which actually originated from Cuban anarchists a few decades earlier) was about reconciling or at least accommodating the various radical tendencies of her time (mutualists, individualists, collectivists, communists, syndicalists, Tolstoyans, Georgist, Bellamyites, etc.).  Given the proliferation of a much greater […]

Making Anarchy Possible

“In capitalism you live like in a cage. People accepted the myth that man can only make progress out his own strength and that it is only up to him, if he doesn´t manage to live within a centralist state bureaucracy and the capitalist market. They want to […]

Indigenous Anarchist Critique of Bolivia’s ‘Indigenous State’: Interview with Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui

The main difference between conventional far-left anti-imperialism of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist variety and anarchist anti-imperialism is that the former is merely about self-determination for states and national-entities (something it ironically shares with 19th-century liberal-nationalism) while the latter is about groups and individuals. Anarchist anti-imperialism really has to start with […]