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White nationalists attack!

Following the spat his post generated on this-here site, Mojo scribes a follow-up


My post ‘Fuck white nationalists,’ which was recently reposted at Attack the System, has generated some anger from – wait for it – white nationalists!
I should reiterate that I consider many WN grievances to be legitimate, but their proposed solutions would be even worse. For more on that, see the original article.

Mindweapons in Ragnarok responded by saying I don’t like WNs because they believe in power, which isn’t really true at all. Ryu said roughly the same thing at Eradica – that I don’t like WNs because they have too much dedication – although he also claims that my only beef with WNs is that I want to sleep with Asian women.

Says Ryu:

White nationalists are fanatics!  We go too far!  Too much fire, too much dedication.  These things frighten the weak and the mediocre.  But I promise that I won’t sell out the white race for a piece of Asian pussy.
The more ambitious a man is, the more confidence and fanaticism he must have!  If all a man wants in this world is a bunch of Asian sunshine girls, he may purchase a ticket to Thailand and teach English; end of story.  The white nationalist wants more and demands more.  Thus he requires a more powerful fuel than mere libido, which the lowest shine-ape in Africa has.

False dichotomy. One may pursue both the Dionysean and the intellectual pleasures. (Thailand sounds pretty good, though.)
The thread at ATS is pretty long and filled with people of various anarchist/nationalist persuasions arguing amongst themselves, plus the occasional gem of senility from thordaddy. I’m just going to address a few comments made to me. First, Sebastian left a long comment making a number of counter-arguments, so I’ll go through that point by point:

Mojo, I had never been to your site and this was the first article of yours I have read.
First things firs, your posting of pictures “exotic asian beauties” counterpointed by unattractive psychotic white women is not very honest (toi say the least). There’s quite a few Chinese women in my corner of the woods and they sure ain’t “exotic beauties”. Do you want me to take a few pics of them and send them your way so you can give your post a veneer of visual balance?

It’s a generalization, Sebastian. As a whole, Eastern women are feminine in a way that Western women aren’t any more. By which I mean they aren’t obese, and are generally more pleasant to be around. That doesn’t mean I think every single Asian woman is like this. NAAWALT!

A few more comments:
“Ghetto Negroes have better wooing, and flirtation skills, than so many White males.”
I am not interested in any woman of any race or culture that holds ghetto negro mating rituals as an ideal metric of how the genders should behave towards one another.
Those ladies should perhaps pay less attention to negro flirts and more to the numbers of multiracial black male/white female pairings that end up with the death or rape of the female.

(The quote was not from me, but a white nationalist woman.)
I have no disagreement here. But they’re your WN women, not mine, so maybe you should tell them, and not me. As I suggested in the original article, WN men are fundamentally unable to keep their own women under any kind of control, even to the point that the women are cuckolding them with men of other races (if only psychologically).

“When you’re criticizing the system for being racist against your people, about the dumbest thing you can do is to commit the same offence.”
The system is not racist against white people. By definition, only white people can be racists and the only “victims” of racism are non-whites. This isn’t my opinion, this is the often-quoted wisdom of the system itself.
The beef of WNs with the system is that it’s Anti-White. Or if you prefer a synonym the system is Anti-Racist, because Anti-Racist is only a code-word for Anti-White.

Semantics. I get that the system perverts and expands the definition of emotive terms in order to wage mindwar. We don’t have to be the same.
I’m familiar with how fucked the system is towards whites, as I made clear. I have no disagreement here. None of this, however, justifies a new system that is exactly the same towards some other group, which seems to be what WNs are going for.

“I took Metapedia off my links list when I realized it’s just anti-Jew shit,”
Could you enlighten us then, and point us in the way of some good anti-jew material that isn’t “shit”? Or is it your opinion that all and any criticism of jews is simply “shit”?

‘Shit’ as in ‘stuff,’ Sebastian. I removed Metapedia from my links after clicking around on it and getting the impression that it’s just anti-Semitic conspiracy theorizing, rather than what I had hoped (an alternative, accurate encyclopedia without mainstream or fringe bias).
If you want to criticize Jews then fire away, but when I see the neologism ‘Holohoax,’ I roll my eyes and close the tab.

“Speaking of which, the other reason I can’t really abide white nationalists is their following mantra: Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth.”
You really are ignorant of what you purport to criticize, aren’t you?
That isn’t “The Mantra”, if you want the mantra in its complete version go check “Horus the Avenger” site, I wrote the core of the mantra above. “Anti-Racist is just a code for Anti-White”.

‘The Mantra’? I said this was a mantra, Sebastian, not the mantra.
Mantra, n. An often repeated word, formula, or phrase, often a truism.
I’ve seen that phrase about the beauty of the white Aryan woman repeated all over white nationalist blogs and sites. I’d say it qualifies as a mantra. You’re allowed more than one.

What you quoted is the line that follows David Lane’s 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children”. Now please analyze that sentence, objectively and impartially and tell me how you reach the conclusion that agreeing with it automatically makes one a freakin’ evil nazi. I would really like to read your essay on that.

Well Sebastian, I didn’t criticize those fourteen words, did I? No, I criticized fourteen different words. I didn’t comment on those particular fourteen words at all. Much less did I reach the conclusion that agreeing with it makes one an evil Nazi.
In fact, if you read the original article again, then I outright defended the sentiment of those fourteen words. To quote myself:

White people have the right to defend themselves, to secure their existence and their future

So exactly what are you talking about Sebastian?
What makes this even more bizarre is that he goes on to quote that line in order to criticize it on different grounds:

“White people have the right to defend themselves, to secure their existence and their future – just like every other race of people. Nobody questions the right of black people to secure their existence and future.”

i certainly do question the right of black people (or any other people) to secure their existence when it is done at the (very, very costly) expense of whites.

Cf. my point about WNs being exactly the same as the people they criticize. “At the expense of whites” is a qualification that does not appear in my post, and renders his point irrelevant.

That is a form of aggression. As a violation of the non-aggression principle, white people are fully entitled to lash out in self-defense against the aggressors and their enablers. As a Libertarian/Anarchist type surely you understand this better than most. Please explain how I am wrong, I’d like to read it.

You’re wrong because that’s a collectivistic point of view, not a libertarian or anarchist one. All white people do not equally feel the pain from an attack on one of their number. Not every black person is responsible for said attack by one of their number.
It’s shit like this, WNs. You are pasty Marxist pegs in round holes. You can’t think outside these little Manichean boxes. The world for you is literally black and white.
The solution is to get white grievances taken seriously, and I don’t mean as a special interest group. It’s to remove the special treatment of blacks and other ethnicities. Where all people are actually treated as equal, responsible adults in the eyes of the law, blacks who participate in random street violence and flash mobs can expect to get they asses banged up for a long, long time. Whatever it would take for a punishment to function as an effective deterrent would be justified, including the permanent exile of violent criminals. But the idea that this should be done on a collective basis, by race, is where you lose me because it’s just like all the other forms of destructive, anti-human Marxism.

“You guys are a bunch of fucking fruit loops, and you go too far.”
Unless you are a professional psychologist and “fruit loops” is a scientific term, I’d say this is just your individual, subjective opinion and therefore of no real consequence.

Of course it’s my individual, subjective opinion. Of course it’s of no real consequence.

Most people I have had political conversations with considered Libertarians/Anarchists “fucking fruit loops” too, or something along that line. I never paid attention to their puerile, unsubstantiated insults.

Good for you. That’s exactly the attitude we hope to cultivate here at the Chronicles: who gives a fuck anyway? This is nothing but banter as far as I’m concerned.

“If your ideal society doesn’t let me speak my mind and fuck whichever consenting adults I please, then you’ve already lost me.”
So what is your beef exactly? WNs will not want someone in their society who puts “the right” to screw “exotic asians” at the top of his political platform. They are not interested in Libertarians/Anarchists types that put their dicks before politics and the continued survival of their race and culture. They are not interested in white people that are ruled mostly by their sexual apetites.
WNs will not force you to join their society, if fact they won’t even want you around. You will be free to have as much sex with Miss Misa Campo as you want provided you do it outside their borders.

And that’s my beef, right there – I’m not happy with the idea of fascists taking over and exporting all the Asian sunshine girls (and me, I guess). They would kick me – a white man! – out of my own homeland because they’re threatened by what I think and say and who I choose to fuck.
So how exactly are the WNs better, from my point of view, than any invading alien race? Seems I get displaced whatever happens.
As for putting my dick before politics: false dichotomy, brother. Like I responded to Ryu: it’s not impossible to be political and pursue knowledge and intellectual pleasures and also enjoy sex. I’d say that a well-rounded human being does all these things and more. Who said that screwing Asian girls is at the top of my political platform? I wrote one entire article about it, and that wasn’t intended as a manifesto.

But you don’t even grant them the same respect that they grant you. The fact that somewhere out there, there will be a white society where men don’t share your gusto for asian pussy just drives you mad…why?

No it doesn’t. The less white men interested in Asian girls, the better for me. Some of us have yellow fever, but trust me, plenty of Asian women have vanilla fever. Other white guys are my (friendly) competition for the sunshine I crave.

Just what is your problem anyway? Can you not just accept the fact that some people disagree with you, your lifestyle and your idealized society? You sure seem to disagree with them, very emotionally so.

Nice DARVO. I’m not the one who would restrict the sexual freedom of other people. I have no beef whatsoever with white nationalists, until they start interfering in my life.
I have no idealized society. My post was not written in defence of some utopian vision.

“There’s a very good reason why white nationalists don’t need to feel guilty about popping covert boners over Eastern babes like Misa Campo.”
First of all, Misa Campo is not an “Eastern babe”, she is a hybrid, or a half-breed. You can tell that just by seeing her physical traits and and name. So get your ethnicities right before you start talking of race. She is of Filipino, Dutch and Canadian descent, so in that sense she is more caucasian than asian. So this means the fact you find her “hot” is due more to her european genetics than her asian ones…why, you dirty little racist, you. Tsk, tsk.

I’d say it’s her minority Asian genes that make her bangable.

Second, no man, WN or not should need to feel guilty for having an erection caused by visual stimuli to his reptilian brain from a picture showing tits and ass, anymore than he needs to feel ashamed of having bowel movements or a heartbeat.
The difference is, some of us can control their libido, while others (such as you) feel such an overwhelming urge to copulate they make it part of their political platform.

Hahaha, this crap again. Part of my political platform? What the hell, why do white nationalists think I was writing a manifesto or treatise?
Moving on, Trainspotter says that white nationalism does offer many positives to average white guys like myself, in that a white ethnostate would boast low crime rates, a culture that values rather than degrades white men, job security, etc. He concedes that Asian chicks would not be on offer, apparently presuming that the latter is more important to me than the former. He says:

I’m not interested in appealing to your narrow self-interest. An ethnostate, white or otherwise, isn’t just about making a buck and feathering your nest. It’s about a people, a true nation, and a future for that people. It’s about a people fully in control of its own institutions.
That’s what we really offer: a future in a meaningful sense. If that’s not important to you, if you just don’t care what happens so long as you’re banging asian chicks, then we aren’t right for you, and you aren’t right for us. So be it. That doesn’t really explain the hostility that you’ve shown, as you would not be required to live in the ethnostate. It would be an option, not a requirement. So why the bad mojo, er, Mojo? Just do your own thing, and let a playa play.

If WNs wanted to set up in some unclaimed piece of land somewhere, then more power to them. I sure as hell wouldn’t try to stop them. I’d advocate their right to do this. I am roughly in agreement with ATS on secessionist National Anarchism here.
But what Trainspotter is leaving out is the explicit totalitarianism of well-known white nationalists like Ryu and Mindweapon. We’re not just talking about a nice place to live, we’re talking about repressive government. I’m against white nationalism for the same reason ATS is – the interests of the state are never the interests of the people.
Besides, there is no unclaimed land, and WNs won’t want to set up anew somewhere else anyway, because of pride in their European heritage. The only way a white ethnostate is going to form is by a coup/takeover of an existing state, and I don’t want to be kicked out of my homeland, nor do I want it to become totalitarian. This would be worse for me than the present situation.
Of course, in the event of a total systemic collapse followed by the formation/secession of localized identity-based communities, I would have no issue at all with WNs setting up their own domain. As long as they didn’t aggress on me, I would be happy to do my own thing and let those playas play.
Jennifer says:

Mojo you basically concede the legitimacy of white nationalism in this one post. It is technically true that there is no “unclaimed land” but there are vast swaths of uninhabited land suitable for white settlement and secession, so I don’t see what your problem is. Poland is still almost all white. They could simply say no to any further non-white immigration and welcome white immigration. Voila, a white homeland. French nationalists wouldn’t be satisfied with this to be sure, but they would certainly concede it was better than nothing. The truth is you just value sexual license above all else and that is your affair, but WN have different values.

As I responded over at ATS, I have no issue with the situations Jennifer describes. I would advocate for WNs to set up on unclaimed land. I also advocate the right of societies to restrict immigration as they please. I’m not a huge fan of multiculti, in case you didn’t pick that up from the original post.
I have to say I find it pretty funny that white nationalists are taking the article as some kind of treatise or expression of personal philosophy.
And because I’d rather not have a totalitarian government interfering in my sex life, I “value sexual license above all else” – I will never get tired of that line.
Never mind that I’ve written about plenty of other things, and hold values dear to my heart that I haven’t written about; no, let’s all assess Mojo’s entire values system by just one crass, vulgar and low-brow article.
All in all, the comments at ATS, Mindweapons, and Eradica are pretty good and there’s plenty of food for thought. I have been misinterpreted as an anarchist who would place having sex at the top of my political priorities, but that’s forgiveable. I will take back one thing I said in the original article, and that is that WNs are boneheads. If they were boneheads, they would have just become angry at me and made death threats. Instead, they actually engaged in discussion and brought up various different points in an attempt to sway me (not all of them bad). I’m used to dealing with zombie leftists who communicate in mantras and cry about ‘silencing’ when they’re disagreed with, so all in all this was a positive experience.
– Mojo

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