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How Racist Are White Nationalists?

White nationalists, what say you?

By Robert Lindsay

Negrofication Magnification Ratios said:

Very few white supremacists actually exist. The reality is that most so called white supremacists are in fact white separatists. They are wrongly labeled. The vast majority are simply interested in living in a white state.

However, this is where the practical problem appears for them. Belarus is a white nation but white separatists are not heading there. So in reality white nationalists are just debaters who love a debate but never do anything. Socialists and Islamic Imperialists are much more pro active and do have plenty of practical strategies. White supremacists or separatists do nothing in comparison to to the other two international ideologies of conquest. When was the last time these white groups did anything but debate on the internet ? And if you can find something, I can find a zillion things the socialists and Islamic ideologues have done during the same time frame.

The second paragraph is 100% correct. However, the first paragraph is not.

This is one of the biggest lies of the White nationalists. “We are not racists or White supremacists, we are just White separatists. We do not hate anyone. We just want to live alone by ourselves in peace.”

I actually believed this for some time because these scumbags kept spouting this line endlessly. I am not sure if they truly believe this or if they know they are lying, but I can assure you that it is a total lie. That is because I have never met one single White separatist who was not an utterly vicious, wildly off the charts racist White person. Not only are White separatists all racists, but these are by far the most racist White people of them all.

Some clues: They wish to live apart from the other races because they hate them so much.

The reason they want to “preserve their genetic heritage” is not because they are emulating the Endangered Species Act. It is because they think that White people are so vastly superior with all of the other inferior races that to let the White race die out in terms of pure Whites would be a disaster. Just think: how could you let the most superior super-humans of all interbreed with inferiors to create a much inferior stock? We are so superior that we cannot allow ourselves to go extinct.

And really most White nationalists are Nordicists. They are few White nationalists who are Jewish or even Meds. The Nordicists absolutely hate all Mediterranean Whites and say that they are non-Whites. They also think that Meds are vastly inferior to Nords and it would be an outrage to interbreed superior Nords with such inferior Med stock. That is why most White separatism actually starts advocating Nordicist separatism at some time or another.

The truth is that all of these people are insane. If you are a White nationalist, you are a crazy person. The overwhelming majority of Whites are not particularly racist and they vociferously reject the extreme racism of the White nationalists. In fact, most Whites despise White nationalists and regard them as scum.

White nationalists keep saying they have majority support for their great cause, but I would love to see the issue polled. Come on. Let’s poll it. Let’s ask White people how many of them want to separate from other races and break away from the US form the New White Republic in Idaho or wherever. I dare them to poll it. Let’s see how much support this really has. Worse than that, it will need support of the non-Whites. Let’s poll the non-Whites and see how many of them will let the Whites from Idaho New Whitopia. Poll it, I dare you.

Bottom line is that peaceful White separatism is not workable or even possible. Once you get to know White separatists well, most of them will tell you that the peaceful separatism line is a big lie that they all push and that the actual reality is, as they say, “There’s going to have to be a war.” So there will be no peaceful White separatism. There will have to a RAHOWA first. That is why if you hang around their forums, White nationalists are always predicting that RAHOWA is around the corner. But it never happens.

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