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Gun-toting Lauren Boebert leads charge against Capitol metal detectors as others blast ‘Pelosi’s ‘communist America’

In light of recent events, it is important to remember that politicians are merely managers who act directly or indirectly on behalf of the wider bodies of major shareholders and controlling interests in the power elite apparatus. If Congress were the “real power,” fruitbats like this chick (or, from the other side, a DSA bartender like AOC or a BLM activist like Cori Bush) would never be allowed in.

By Mollie Mansfield, The Sun

GUN-toting Lauren Boebert has led a charge against Capitol metal detectors as others blast Pelosi’s “communist America.”

The House sergeant at arms office issued a statement on Tuesday saying everyone going into the chamber must be screened for prohibited items, including firearms.

However, Representative Boebert has since publicly slammed the screening demand. dubbing it as a “political stunt” from Nancy Pelosi.

Boebert has talked openly about carrying her firearm around town and onto the Capitol grounds.

“I am legally permitted to carry my firearm in Washington, D.C. and within the Capitol complex,” she tweeted last night.

“Metal detectors outside of the House would not have stopped the violence we saw last week — it’s just another political stunt by Speaker Pelosi.”

Earlier this month, Boebert wrote a letter to the House urging them to let a 1967 rule allowing lawmakers to carry firearms in the Capitol stand.

The representative appeared to be victorious, as Pelosi issued new rules for the House which did not mention doing away with allowing lawmakers to carry weapons in the Capitol.

Boebert walked through the detectors holding her bag on Tuesday and, when the alarm went off, refused to hand over her belongings to be searched.

Despite not appearing to have her bag checked, Capitol police reportedly allowed her into the House chamber.


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