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  1. > Zapatistas

    Run by a white college professor spouting leftover 60s rhetoric and LARPing like revolutionaries?

    They aren’t real. Neither the government nor the cartels think of them as a threat because they are basically social media influencers aimed at white college lefties in America. FFS they used to get puff pieces in the Wall Street Journal.

    White leftists and their racist, colonialist ‘noble savage’ romanticism and I am not being sarcastic either.

    > Anarchapulco

    I love James Corbett and I would get along with the crowd at Anarchapulco. Mexico is a great place for first worlders to party. But they aren’t a serious ‘movement’ or anything, more like a quasi-religion or hobby club.

    Anarchists/Libertarians from around the first world fly to Mexican beach resort to drink and fuck and LARP like revolutionaries.

    It’s like a Renaissance Festival really.

    > IGD

    Literally an ADL/SPLC front group, and ADL is literally, not figuratively, Israeli intelligence.

    Everyone reads 1984 in high school yet get fooled by Emmanuel Goldstein every single time.

    Like Charlie Brown and Lucy and the football.

    • > Zapatistas

      To my knowledge (correct me if I’m wrong) the EZLN has never been formally declared a terrorist organization by the US Gov which, I agree, is a blow to their radical credentials.

      >Anarchists/Libertarians from around the first world fly to Mexican beach resort to drink and fuck and LARP like revolutionaries.

      I had a similar feeling when I was there. They were cool people, but my thoughts at the time were that their model only works for expatriates with First World money.

      >Literally an ADL/SPLC front group, and ADL is literally, not figuratively, Israeli intelligence.

      I would like to see more documentation of the antifa groups being funded by the ADL or SPLC. There seems to be conflict between the camps over tactics, but a friendlier behind the scenes relationship between them wouldn’t surprise me. The antifa remind me of a faux leftist version of the JDL.

  2. EZLN – to be fair it has been 20 years since I paid any attention to them but back then it was really quite obviously the same thing as ‘the Kurds’ who were big among white lefties – still are.

    Kurds have the most hilarious fawning fandom among white leftists and like their sponsors, the IDF, dress up hot young women in what amounts to military fetish gear.

    Then add some vague 60s ‘revolutionary’ rhetoric and every dumb white boy who wants to be ‘radical dude’ buys this transparent publicity campaign at face value.

    White American leftists are universally hilarious jokes.

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