Attack the System radio

Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare

Attack the System
Grand Alliance Theory and Fourth Generation Warfare

September 15, 2013

Keith Preston discusses the definitive elements of the revolutionary struggle.

Topics include:

  • Common criticisms directed at ARV-ATS including accusations of reformism, crypto-statism, egalitarian populism, and reactionary nationalism.
  • The need to strike a healthy balance between elitism and populism, reform and revolution.
  • Why the revolutionary struggle must be international in character even as revolutionary movements within different nations, cultures, and communities will retain their unique identities.
  • How successful revolutionary struggles in one region or nation might provide for their self-defense in a world dominated by states and plutocratic entities.
  • Why the ultimate aim of grand alliance theory is resistance to state repression as the overlords of the Empire are challenged.
  • How the battle between the Empire and the resistance forces will ultimately be decided by means of fourth generation warfare.

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Length: 1:17:37
Bitrate: 32kb/s

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