
“For America to Live, Europe Must Die”

By Russell Means

Speech given at the Black Hills International Survival Gathering, July 1980

The only possible opening for a statement of this kind is that I detest writing. The process itself epitomizes the European concept of “legitimate” thinking; what is written has an importance that is denied the spoken. My culture, the Lakota culture, has an oral tradition, so I ordinarily reject writing. It is one of the white world’s ways of destroying the cultures of non-European peoples, the imposing of an abstraction over the spoken relationship of a people.

So what you read here is not what I have written. It is what I have said and someone else has written down. I will allow this because it seems that the only way to communicate with the white world is through the dead, dry leaves of a book. I don’t really care whether my words reach whites or not. They have already demonstrated through their history that they cannot hear, cannot see; they can only read (of course, there are exceptions, but the exceptions only prove the rule). I’m more concerned with the American Indian people, students and others, who have begun to be absorbed into the white world through universities and other institutions. But even then it’s a marginal sort of concern. It’s very possible to grow into a red face with a white mind; and if that’s a person’s individual choice, so be it, but I have no use for them. This is part of the process of cultural genocide being waged by Europeans against American Indian peoples’ today. My concern is with those American Indians who choose to resist this genocide, but may be confused as to how to proceed.

(You notice I use the term American Indian rather than Native American or Native indigenous people or Amerindian when referring to my people.) There has been some controversy about such terms, and frankly, at this point, I find it absurd. Primarily it seems that American Indian is being rejected as European in origin – which is true. But all the above terms are European in origin; the only non-European way is to speak of Lakota – or, more precisely, of Oglala, Brule, et. – and of the Dineh, the Miccousukee, and all the rest of the several hundred correct tribal names.

(There is also some confusion about the word Indian , a mistaken belief that it refers somehow to the country, India. When Columbus washed up on the beach in the Caribbean, he was not looking for a country called India. Europeans were calling that country Hindustan in 1492. Look it up on the old maps. Columbus called the tribal people he met “Indio,” from the Italian in dio , meaning “in God.”)

It takes a strong effort on the part of each American Indian not to become Europeanized. The strength for this effort can only come from the traditional ways, the traditional values that our elders retain. It must come from the hoop, the four directions, the relations: it cannot come from the pages of a book or a thousand books. No European can ever teach a Lakota to be Lakota, a Hopi to be Hopi. A master’s degree in “Indian Studies” or in “education” or in anything else cannot make a person into a human being or provide knowledge into the traditional ways. It can only make you into a mental European, an outsider.

I should be clear about something here, because there seems to be some confusion about it. When I speak of Europeans or mental Europeans, I’m not allowing for false distinctions. I’m not saying that on the one hand there are the by-products of a few thousand years of genocidal, reactionary European intellectual development which is bad; and on the other hand there is some new revolutionary intellectual development which is good. I’m referring here to the so-called theories of Marxism and anarchism and “leftism” in general. I don’t believe these theories can be separated from the rest of the European intellectual tradition. It’s really just the same old song.

The process began much earlier. Newton, for example, “revolutionized” physics and the so-called natural science by reducing the physical universe to a linear mathematical equation.

Descartes did the same thing with culture. John Locke did it with politics, and Adam Smith did it with economics. Each one of these “thinkers” took a piece of the spirituality of human existence and converted it into a code, an abstraction. They picked up where Christianity ended: they “secularized” Christian religion, as the “scholars” like to say – and in doing so they made Europe more able and ready to act as an expansionist culture. Each of these intellectual revolutions served to abstract the European mentality even further, to remove the wonderful complexity and spirituality from the universe and replace it with a logical sequence: one, two, three. Answer!.

This is what has come to be termed “efficiency” in the European mind. Whatever is mechanical is perfect; whatever seems to work at the moment – that is, proves the mechanical model to be the right one – is considered correct, even when it is clearly untrue. This is why “truth” changes so fast in the European mind; the answers which result from such a process are only stopgaps, only temporary, and must be continuously discarded in favor of new stopgaps which support the mechanical models and keep them (the models) alive.

Hegel and Marx were heirs to the thinking of Newton, Descartes, Locke and Smith. Hegel finished the process of secularizing theology – and that is put in his own terms – he secularized the religious thinking through which Europe understood the universe. Then Marx put Hegel’s philosophy in terms of “materialism,” which is to say that Marx despiritualized Hegel’s work altogether. Again, this is in Marx’ own terms. And this is now seen as the future revolutionary potential of Europe. Europeans may see this as revolutionary, But American Indians see it simply as still more of that same old European conflict between being and gaining . The intellectual roots of a new Marxist form of European imperialism lie in Marx’ – and his followers’ – links to the tradition of Newton, Hegel, and the others.

Being is a spiritual proposition. Gaining is a material act. Traditionally, American Indians have always attempted to be the best people they could. Part of that spiritual process was and is to give away wealth, to discard wealth in order not to gain. Material gain is an indicator of false status among traditional people, while it is “proof that the system works” to Europeans. Clearly, there are two completely opposing views at issue here, and Marxism is very far over to the other side from the American Indian view. But lets look at a major implication of this; it is not merely an intellectual debate.

The European materialist tradition of despiritualizing the universe is very similar to the mental process which goes into dehumanizing another person. And who seems most expert at dehumanizing other people? And why? Soldiers who have seen a lot of combat learn to do this to the enemy before going back into combat. Murderers do it before going out to commit murder. Nazi SS guards did it to concentration camp inmates. Cops do it. Corporation leaders do it to the workers they send into uranium mines and steel mills. Politicians do it to everyone in sight. And what the process has in common for each group doing the dehumanizing is that it makes it all right to kill and otherwise destroy other people. One of the Christian commandments says, “Thou shalt not kill,” at least not humans, so the trick is to mentally convert the victims into nonhumans. Then you can proclaim violation of your own commandment as a virtue.

In terms of the despiritualization of the universe, the mental process works so that it become virtuous to destroy the planet. Terms like progress and development are used as cover words here, the way victory and freedom are used to justify butchery in the dehumanization process. For example, a real-estate speculator may refer to “developing” a parcel of ground by opening a gravel quarry; development here means total, permanent destruction, with the earth itself removed. But European logic has gained a few tons of gravel with which more land can be “developed” through the construction of road beds. Ultimately, the whole universe is open – in the European view – to this sort of insanity.

Most important here, perhaps, is the fact that Europeans feel no sense of loss in this. After all, their philosophers have despiritualized reality, so there is no satisfaction (for them) to be gained in simply observing the wonder of a mountain or a lake or a people in being . No, satisfaction is measured in terms of gaining material. So the mountain becomes gravel, and the lake becomes coolant for a factory, and the people are rounded up for processing through the indoctrination mills Europeans like to call schools.

But each new piece of that “progress” ups the ante out in the real world. Take fuel for the industrial machine as an example. Little more than two centuries ago, nearly everyone used wood -a replenishable, natural item- as fuel for the very human needs of cooking and staying warm. Along came the Industrial Revolution and coal became the dominant fuel, as production became the social imperative for Europe. Pollution began to become a problem in the cities, and the earth was ripped open to provide coal whereas wood had simply been gathered or harvested at no great expense to the environment. Later, oil became the major fuel, as the technology of production was perfected through a series of scientific “revolutions.” Pollution increased dramatically, and nobody yet knows what the environmental costs of pumping all that oil out of the ground will really be in the long run. Now there’s an “energy crisis,” and uranium is becoming the dominant fuel.

Capitalists, at least, can be relied upon to develop uranium as fuel only at the rate at which they can show a good profit. That’s their ethic, and maybe that will buy some time. Marxists, on the other hand, can be relied upon to develop uranium fuel as rapidly as possible simply because it’s the most “efficient” production fuel available. That’s their ethic, and I fail to see where it’s preferable. Like I said, Marxism is right smack in the middle of the European tradition. It’s the same old song.

There’s a rule of thumb that can be applied here. You cannot judge the real nature of a revolutionary doctrine on the basis of the changes it proposed to make within the European power structure and society. You can only judge it by the effect it will have on non-European peoples. This is because every revolution in European history has served to reinforce Europe’s tendencies and abilities to export destruction to other peoples, other cultures and the environment itself. I defy anyone to point out an example where this is not true.

So now we, as American Indian people, are asked to believe that a “new” European revolutionary doctrine such as Marxism will reverse the negative effect of European history on us. European power relations are to be adjusted once again, and that’s supposed to make things better for all of us. But what does this really mean?

Right now, today, we who live on the Pine Ridge Reservation are living in what white society has designated a “National Sacrifice Area.” What this means is that we have a lot of uranium deposits here, and white culture (not us) needs this uranium as energy production material. The cheapest, most efficient way for industry to extract and deal with the processing of this uranium is to dump the waste by-products right here at the digging sites. Right here where we live. This waste is radioactive and will make the entire region uninhabitable forever. This is considered by industry, and by the white society that created this industry, to be an “acceptable” price to pay for energy resource development. Along the way they also plan to drain the water table under this part of South Dakota as part of the industrial process, so the region becomes doubly uninhabitable. The same sort of thing is happening. The same sort of thing is happening down in the land of the Navajo and Hopi, up in the land of the Northern Cheyenne and Crow, and elsewhere. Thirty percent of the coal in the West and half of the uranium deposits in the United States have been found to lie under reservation land, so there is no way this can be called a minor issue.

We are resisting being turned into a National Sacrifice Area. We are resisting being turned into a national sacrifice people. The costs of this industrial process are not acceptable to us. It is genocide to dig uranium here and draw the water table – no more, no less.

Now let’s suppose that in our resistance to extermination we begin to seek allies (we have). Let’s suppose further that we were to take revolutionary Marxism at its word: that it intends nothing less than the complete overthrow of the European capitalist order which has presented this threat to our very existence. This would seem to be a natural alliance for American Indian people to enter into. After all, as the Marxists say, it is the capitalists who set us up to be a national sacrifice. This is true as far as it goes.

But, as I’ve tried to point out, this very “truth” is deceptive. Revolutionary Marxism is committed to even further perpetuation and perfection of the very industrial process which is destroying us all. It offers only to “redistribute” the results – the money, maybe – of this industrialization to a wider section of the population. It offers to take wealth from the capitalists and pass it around; but in order to do so, Marxism must maintain the industrial system. Once again, the power relations with European society will have to be altered, but once again the effects upon American Indian peoples here and non-Europeans elsewhere will remain the same. This much the same as when power was redistributed from the church to private business during the so-called bourgeois revolution. European society changed a bit, at least superficially, but its conduct toward non-Europeans continued as before. You can see what the American Revolution of 1776 did for American Indians. It’s the same old song.

Revolutionary Marxism, like industrial society in other forms, seeks to “rationalize” all people in relation to industry – maximum industry, maximum production. It is a materialist doctrine that despises the American Indian spiritual tradition, out cultures, our lifeways. Marx himself called us “precapitalists” and “primitive.” Precapitalist simply means that, in his view, we would eventually discover capitalism and become capitalists; we have always been economically retarded in Marxist terms. The only manner in which American Indian people could participate in a Marxist revolution would be to join the industrial system, to become factory workers, or “proletarians,” as Marx called them. The man was very clear about the fact that his revolution could occur only through the struggle of the proletariat, that the existence of a massive industrial system is a precondition of a successful Marxist society.

I think there is a problem with language here. Christians, capitalists, Marxists. All of them have been revolutionary in their own minds, but none of them really means revolution. What they really mean is a continuation. They do what they do in order that European culture can continue to exist and develop according to its needs.

So, in order for us to really join forces with Marxism, we American Indians would have to accept the national sacrifice of our homeland; we would have to commit cultural suicide and become industrialized and Europeanized.

At this point, I’ve got to stop and ask myself whether I’m being too harsh. Marxism has something of a history. Does this history bear out my observations? I look to the process of industrialization in the Soviet Union since 1920 and I see that these Marxists have done what it took the English Industrial Revolution 300 years to do; and the Marxists did it in 60 years. I see that the territory of the USSR used to contain a number of tribal peoples and they have been crushed to make way for the factories. The Soviets refer to this as “the National Question,” the question of whether the tribal peoples had a right to exist as people; and they decided the tribal peoples were an acceptable sacrifice to industrial needs. I look to China and I see the same thing. I look to Vietnam and I see Marxists imposing an industrial order and rooting out the indigenous tribal mountain people.

I hear a leading Soviet scientist saying that when the uranium is exhausted, then alternatives will be found. I see the Vietnamese taking over a nuclear power plant abandoned by the U.S. military. Have they dismantled and destroyed it? No, they are using it. I see China exploding nuclear bombs, developing nuclear reactors, and preparing a space program in order to colonize and exploit the planets the same as the Europeans colonized and exploited this hemisphere. It’s the same old song, but maybe with a faster tempo this time.

The statement of the Soviet scientists is very interesting. Does he know what this alternative energy source will be? No, he simply has faith. Science will find a way. I hear revolutionary Marxists saying that the destruction of the environment, pollution, and radiation will be controlled. And I see them act on their words. Do they know how these things will be controlled? No, they simply have faith. Science will find a way. Industrialization is fine and necessary. How do they know this? Faith. Science will find a way. Faith of this sort has always been known in Europe as religion. Science has become the new European religion for both capitalists and Marxists; they are truly inseparable; they are part and parcel of the same culture. So, in both theory and practice, Marxism demands that non-European peoples give up their values, their traditions, their cultural experience altogether. We will all be industrialized science addicts in a Marxist society.

I do not believe that capitalism itself is really responsible for the situation in which American Indians have been declared a national sacrifice. No, it is the European tradition; European culture itself is responsible. Marxism is just the latest continuation of this tradition, not a solution to it. To ally with Marxism is to ally with the very same forces that declare us an acceptable cost.

There is another way. There is the traditional Lakota way and the ways of the other American Indian peoples. It is the way that knows that humans do not have the right to degrade Mother Earth, that there are forces beyond anything the European mind has conceived, that humans must be in harmony with all relations or the relations will eventually eliminate the disharmony. A lopsided emphasis on humans by humans – the European’s arrogance of acting as though they were beyond the nature of all related things – can only result in a total disharmony and a readjustment which cuts arrogant humans down to size, gives them a taste of that reality beyond their grasp or control and restores the harmony. There is no need for a revolutionary theory to bring this about; it’s beyond human control. The nature peoples of this planet know this and so they do not theorize about it. Theory is an abstract; our knowledge is real.

Distilled to it’s basic terms, European faith – including the new faith in science – equals a belief that man is God. Europe has always sought a Messiah, whether that be the man Jesus Christ or the man Karl Marx or the man Albert Einstein. American Indians know this to be truly absurd. Humans are the weakest of all creatures, so weak that other creatures are willing to give up their flesh that we may live. Humans are able to survive only though the exercise of rationality since they lack the abilities of other creatures to gain food through the use of fang and claw.

But rationality is a curse since it can cause human beings to forget the natural order of things in ways other creatures do not. A wolf never forgets his or her place in the natural order. American Indians can. Europeans almost always do. We pray our thanks to the deer, our relations, for allowing us their flesh to eat; Europeans simply take the flesh for granted and consider the deer inferior. After all, Europeans consider themselves godlike in their rationalism and science. God is the Supreme Being; all else must be inferior.

All European tradition, Marxism included, has conspired to defy the natural order of things. Mother Earth has been abused, the powers have been abused, and this cannot go on forever. No theory can alter that simple fact. Mother Earth will retaliate, the whole environment will retaliate, and the abusers will be eliminated. Things will come full circle, back to where they started. That’s revolution. And that’s a prophecy of my people, of the Hopi people and of other correct peoples.

American Indians have been trying to explain this to Europeans for centuries. But, as I said earlier, Europeans have proven themselves unable to hear. The natural order will win out, and the offenders will die out, the way deer die when they offend the harmony by over-populating a given region. It’s only a matter of time until what Europeans call “a major catastrophe of global proportions” will occur. It is the role of American Indian peoples, the role of all natural beings, to survive. A part of our survival is to resist. We resist not to overthrow a government or to take political power, but because it is natural to resist extermination, to survive. We don’t want power over white institutions; we want white institutions to disappear. That’s revolution.

American Indians are still in touch with these realities – the prophecies, the traditions of our ancestors. We learn from the elders, from nature, from the powers. And when the catastrophe is over, we American Indian people will survive; harmony will be reestablished. That’s revolution.

At this point, perhaps I should be very clear about another matter, one which should already be clear as a result of what I’ve said. But confusion breeds easily these days, so I want to hammer home this point. When I use the term European , I’m not referring to a skin color or a particular genetic structure. What I’m referring to is a mind-set, a worldview that is a product of the development of European culture. Peoples are not genetically encoded to hold this outlook, they are acculturated to hold it. The same is true for American Indians or for the members of any other culture.

It is possible for an American Indian to share European values, A European worldview. We have a term for these people; we call them “apples” – red on the outside (genetics) and white on the inside (their values). Other groups have similar terms: Black have their “oreos;” Hispanos have “coconuts” and so on. And, as I said before, there are exceptions to the white norm: people who are white on the outside, but not white inside. I’m not sure what term should be applied to them other than “human beings.”

What I’m putting out here is not a racial proposition but a cultural proposition. Those who ultimately advocate and defend the realities of European culture and its industrialism are my enemies. Those who resist it, who struggle against it, are my allies, the allies of American Indian people. And I don’t give a damn what their skin color happens to be. Caucasian is the white term for the white race: European is an outlook I oppose.

The Vietnamese Communists are not exactly what you might consider genetic Caucasians, but they are now functioning as mental Europeans. The same holds true for the Chinese Communists, for Japanese capitalists or Bantu Catholics or Peter “MacDollar” down at the Navajo reservation or Dickie Wilson up here at Pine Ridge. There is no racism involved in this, just an acknowledgment of the mind and spirit that make up culture.

In Marxist terms I suppose I’m a “cultural nationalist.” I work first with my people, the traditional Lakota people, because we hold a common worldview and share an immediate struggle. Beyond this, I work with other traditional American Indian peoples, again because of a certain commonality in worldview and form of struggle. Beyond that, I work with anyone who has experience the colonial oppression of Europe and who resists its cultural and industrial totality. Obviously, this includes genetic Caucasians who struggle to resist the dominant norms of European culture. The Irish and the Basques come immediately to mind, but there are many others.

I work primarily with my own people, with my own community. Other people who hold non-European perspectives should do the same. I believe in the slogan, “Trust your brother’s vision,” although I’d like to add sisters in the bargain. I trust the community and the culturally based vision of all the races that naturally resist industrialization and human extinction. Clearly, individual whites can share in this, given only that they have reached the awareness that continuation of the industrial imperatives of Europe is not a vision, but species suicide. White is one of the sacred colors of the Lakota people – red, yellow, white and black. The four directions. The four seasons. The four period of life and aging. The four races of humanity. Mix red, yellow, white and black together and you get brown, the color of the fifth race. This is the natural order of things. It therefore seems natural to me to work with all races, each with it’s own special meaning, identity and message.

But there is a peculiar behavior among most Caucasians. As soon as I become critical of Europe and its impact on other cultures, they become defensive. They begin to defend themselves. But I am not attacking them personally; I’m attacking Europe. In personalizing my observations on Europe they are personalizing European culture, identifying themselves with it.By defending themselves in this context, they are ultimately defending the death culture. This is a confusion which must be overcome, and it must be overcome in a hurry. None of us has energy to waste in such false struggles.

Caucasians have a more positive vision to offer humanity than European culture. I believe this. But in order to attain this vision it is necessary for Caucasians to step outside European culture – alongside the rest of humanity – to see Europe for what it is and what it does.

To cling to capitalism and Marxism and all the other “isms” is simply to remain within European culture. There is no avoiding this basic fact. As a fact, this constitutes a choice. Understand that the choice is based on culture, not race. Understand that to choose European culture and industrialism is to choose to be my enemy. And understand that the choice is yours, not mine. This leads me back to address those American Indians who are drifting through the universities, the city slums, and other European institutions. If you are there to learn to resist the oppressor in accordance with your traditional ways, so be it. I don’t know how you manage to combine the two, but perhaps you will succeed. But retain your sense of reality. Beware of coming to believe the white world now offers solutions to the problems it confronts us with. Beware, too, of allowing the words of native people to be twisted to the advantage of our enemies. Europe invented the practice of turning words around on themselves. You need only look to the treaties between American Indian peoples and various European governments to know that this is true. Draw your strength from who you are.

A culture which regularly confuses revolution with continuation, which confuses science and religion, which confuses revolt with resistance, has nothing helpful to teach you and nothing to offer you as a way of life. Europeans have long since lost all touch with reality, if they ever were in touch with it. Feel sorry for them if you need to, but be comfortable with who you are as American Indians.

So, I suppose to conclude this, I would state clearly that leading anyone toward Marxism is the last thing on my mind. Marxism is as alien to my culture as capitalism and Christianity are. In fact, I can say I don’t think I’m trying to lead anyone toward anything. To some extent I tried to be a “leader,” in the sense that white media like to use that term, when the American Indian Movement was a young organization. This was a result of a confusion that I no longer have. You cannot be everything to everyone. I do not propose to be used in such a fashion by my enemies. I am not a leader. I am an Oglala Lakota patriot. This is all I want and all I need to be. And I am very comfortable with who I am.

20 replies »

  1. HI,

    I first read this article in October 2012 and I emailed a link to some people I thought would be receptive.

    I am European, they are also. I did get some feedback from one of them, he thought the ideas expressed were very thought provoking but took no further action.

    I can’t believe there are no comments although I don’t know how many people have read the article.
    For myself, I do see the end being brought about by the actions of the scientific/rational view of the world. There is a desperate desire to make man apart from nature and Nature must never be allowed to take its course in human related affairs and of course Nature will win.

    For my part I am living differently. Growing food and avoiding mass produced products as much as possible. I have not managed to escape the physicality of a European existence but have started the process of changing my mentality. The knowledge you have expressed here is an inspiration and I will continue the process of de-europeanisation.

    Best Regards


  2. Ever wonder how a culture totally devoid of any ennobling accomplishments can still be self-righteous? Its called hating success. Russel does not oppose European culture because it “oppresses indigenous peoples” whatever that means. He hates it because it is successful. When will Russel and is Lakota people apologize to the Pawnee tribe whom they waged genocidal total war against, targeting women and children? Such as the 1873 massacre at Massacre Canyon Nebraska. His objections are totally specious for if he was on principle opposed to oppression what of the oppression his own tribe the Sioux inflicted on their neighbors or the Mexica or the Iroquois? Why is it that it always that it is always members of the warlike Indian tribes that lecture Europeans on peace? The stealing land from the Omaha tribe and the Pawnee tribe and the Cheyenne tribe and the Kiowa are all glossed over in a hypocritical and thinly veiled assault European rights. It seems the moral of the story is only the Lakota are allowed to rob a and murder Indians, not the white man. Given that their so called land is not even theirs (it was Kiowa, Omaha and Cheyenne land) what case do they even have? This sick joke would be funny if it were not taken so seriously by people.

    Native Americans were raping, murdering, looting and committing acts of genocide against each other long before Europeans showed up, the Aztecs or Iroquois anyone?

    The fact that AIM will never demand repatriation of the Mexica, Lakota or Iroqious completely illustrates the frauds they are and unmasks their true agenda of white disenfranchisement.

    Instead of bitching about why you suck, why not improve yourselves? The Indians recovered and thrived after the British as did Taiwan after Japanese colonization. The fact that america offers limitless opportunities to people who seek them and some people still fail to make it, is their fault and not the system peruse.

    Next time the Lakota revolutionize philosophy, science, literature or commerce then maybe I will take them seriously.

    • What I hear when you say this:

      Stop complaining and love the white man because all of the white education I’ve had tells me you all are a bunch of fucking heathens!

      ATS is about undermining the legitimacy of the current system and turning multiple populations against it; populations that include everything from proto-communist indigenous tribes to communal European peasants. And every time you open your mouth here you spout off the same crap that the ruling class has always used to excuse it’s subjugation of various populations.

      Now I have little to no interest in changing your mind or informing your dim, uneducated perception of indigenous thought. But what I am wondering is why you’re interested in ATS in the first place?

      And I guess I’ll leave to the recently departed Russel Means on who this speech was targeted at.

      I don’t really care whether my words reach whites or not.

  3. “ATS is about undermining the legitimacy of the current system and turning multiple populations against it; populations that include everything from proto-communist indigenous tribes to communal European peasants. And every time you open your mouth here you spout off the same crap that the ruling class has always used to excuse it’s subjugation of various populations.”

    When ever you open your mouth you spout the crap that native peoples have the implicit right to subjugate each other, but blame the white man only for imperialism or the same Marxist crap that White Strait European Christian males are the cause of all the worlds woes in order to disenfranchise whites. Science, Philosophy, Culture anyone one? As Socrates spoke to his accusers in court, rather than excruciating him they should recognize his contributions and feed him at state expense. If it were not for Europeans savages would still be exposing twins to die, because they thought they were demons or the Mexica would still be eating their neighboring Indian tribes.

    Lets see every effort from indigenous resistance to the west to Kropotkin to Chomsky to Occupy Wallstreet have failed. Not only failed, but failed miserably. Why are you addicted to failure? None of your tactics or strategies have ever worked and are never likely to work. Why don’t you come up with something new? Instead you come out with the same old trite failures and wonder why you keep losing. The definition of instantiate comes to mind.

    ” But what I am wondering is why you’re interested in ATS in the first place?”

    When did I ever commit to anarchism? My first article was a broadside against ATS go back and read it. If Keith Preston appreciates my presence fine, if not fine. Why do you even care, if I offend don’t read what I have to say.

    “I don’t really care whether my words reach whites or not.”

    I don’t really care what savages have to say or not.

    Face it Lakota people have no right to guilt trip anyone. None of their so called land is theirs it is all stolen (from the Cheyanne, Kiowa and Omaha, give that land back and then we can talk), so if they can steal why cannot the US government? After all it is not stealing if one steals from a thief. Why do you always circle the wagon and defend Indian genocide and imperialism?

    “But European logic has gained a few tons of gravel with which more land can be “developed” through the construction of road beds. Ultimately, the whole universe is open – in the European view – to this sort of insanity.”

    What the hell is European logic! Does this idiot not know that there is only one kind of logic? Logic! Polylogism is a Marxist fallacy. And anyone takes this crackpot seriously?

    As always you failed to grapple with the latent hypocrisy of the AIM. They bitch and whine about European imperialism, but are suddenly silent about Lakota, Iroquois and Mexica imperialism. One more Marxist trope in the long series of Marxist tropes to destroy every last vestige of civilization.

  4. “Now I have little to no interest in changing your mind or informing your dim, uneducated perception of indigenous thought.”

    Indigenous thought that’s a good joke. Where is the indigenous Aristotle? Or Indigenous Confucius? Or the indigenous Buddha? Or the indigenous Moses? Nowhere that’s where.

    So your OK with an intellectual crackpot like Russel criticizing the entire western intellectual tradition from Socrates to Hegel with absolutely know understanding of it, but are upset when I criticize “indigenous” thought whatever that is. Again this is a bad joke. Learn western phil 101 before you criticize my “ignorance” of “indigenous thought.” Socrates is worth more than all so called indigenous thought put together.

    But on a more serious note, nor do I in changing your dim uneducated view of European thought.

    “What I hear when you say this:

    Stop complaining and love the white man because all of the white education I’ve had tells me you all are a bunch of fucking heathens!”

    “because all of the white education I’ve had”

    More Marxist polylogisms. Don’t you people even know what logic is? If your to dim to learn logic its not my job to inform you, but until you learn to actually thing and string together coherent logical arguments.

    To use a reductio ad absurdum you only believe the pabulum of Russel because of you so called indigenous education.

    Lastly you don’t like natives being called savages, but have failed to provide one peace of indigence why there were not. They had not science, no metallurgy, no philosophy, no written word, no nothing. Hmmm not written word, sounds like savages to me. Eating each other, offering each other to heathen deities, ritual cannibalism. What about human sacrifice, ritual torture, ritual cannibalism do you not understand as savage?

  5. If so called indigenous thinkers want to avoid being called Marxist then stop using stupid Marxist bullshit like Polylogisms.

    Russel: I am not a Marxist.

    Bystandard1: but you use Marxist syllogisms?

    Russel: You are using western logic and that is inferior to indginous logic.

    Bystandard2: But you ignored the claim of bystandard1 and are proving his point that you are a marxist.

    Russel: You only say that, bystandard2, because you are also using western logic.

    Case closed.

  6. You’re looking to make grand, sweeping, philosophical arguments and all I’m saying is this:

    I don’t really give a shit.

    Western cultural dominance has more to do with it’s efficiency in applying organized violence across the globe. If the Aztecs had the same ability then we’d be talking about European savages who don’t accept the light of their sun god or whatever; and I’d like to think that I’d then be discussing the overthrow of the ruling priesthood in Tenochtitlán rather than the ruling class in Washington D.C.

    So it turns out that not everyone wants to play ball and bend the knee to global empire and the stuck up, pretentious, elitist crap you can’t seem to shut up about. Does that insult you? Make you feel under appreciated? Are you here to lecture us anarchist losers while illiterate tribes in the hinter lands of the Asian Steppes pick apart your beloved civilization? Gonna sit in your arm chair and whine while inner city gang members burn the core of America’s cities to the ground? While hordes of Latin American peasants over run the country?

    I happen to agree with Martin van Creveld’s argument that the state is in decline. I’m not here to argue about whether or not Russel Means and his rejection of Western Civ is “right” or whether your disdain for savages (my tribe was proto-barbarian, by the way) is “right.” I’m here to hash out a winning strategy in the face of a massive societal shift. I’m here to join the side of the barbarians at the gate and burn this mother fucker down.

    I do happen to agree with Means in this article that Natives ought to reject both Capitalism and Marxism. That line of thinking is incompatible with the system and the various legitimizing ideologies it’s used. Given the aims of ATS that’s a good thing.

    Argue about the virtues of Western Civ all you want, my man. Most people don’t care, and lacking the supremacy of organized state violence most people will organize themselves along whatever lines are culturally relevant to them and theirs; be they white, brown, black or whatever.

  7. Vince, you have become so occupied with heaping coals on heads with your slave-morality that you cannot even recognize what an untermensch you are. You and your ilk have created nothing. You deserve to be in the ash heap of history. You have given the world literally nothing. These “disenfranchised” are the self-imposed outcasts who, becoming conscious of their inability to produce anything of beauty and value, seek to destroy the pinnacle of human history, manifested in Western Civilization. You say you don’t care what Todd thinks? Then prove it by shutting the hell up.

    Do you really believe that somehow the dialectical march of history is going to auto-magically deliver us into your glorious anarchist eschaton? That will surely be the day! It is true that Marxism has infiltrated and neutered Western Civilization. But again, Marxism is an invention of the West. And of course, it took and invention of the West to weaken the West so much that it let peons like you piss in its front yard. Can’t you see the hilarity of it all? We had to shoot ourselves in the foot before you even could dream of influencing the outcome of history! You are nobody. You need us to destroy is. A beautiful paradox.

    You said “I’m here to join the side of the barbarians at the gate and burn this mother fucker down.”

    And THAT is precisely why the anarchists will lose. That one sentence unites the public perception of anarchists with what anarchists really are. And no one is going to let that happen, you see. You’ll be gurgling “anarchy!” as the jackboot of fascism crushes your windpipe. And why? Because you are assholes and time and time again your actions have necessitated the police state. You push and push and push until the state finally has to crush your disorganized, demoralized, poorly armed, poorly trained, degenerate and overtly grotesque “unity front.”

    When the Leviathan returns, there will be no one to congratulate but yourselves for awakening a slumbering giant. History is not and never will be on your side. It’s never going to happen. It is a fool’s errand. Do the honorable thing and fall upon your sword.

    • You’ll be gurgling “anarchy!” as the jackboot of fascism crushes your windpipe. And why? Because you are assholes and time and time again your actions have necessitated the police state. You push and push and push until the state finally has to crush your disorganized, demoralized, poorly armed, poorly trained, degenerate and overtly grotesque “unity front.”

      When the Leviathan returns, there will be no one to congratulate but yourselves for awakening a slumbering giant. History is not and never will be on your side. It’s never going to happen. It is a fool’s errand. Do the honorable thing and fall upon your sword.

      Your state lacks the will to rule and is turning your people into just another minority. Join us! Or at the very least do what you were going to do while we pick apart the empire, anyway: nothing.

    • Ever wonder how a culture that has spread the maximum level of degeneracy all over the planet can still be self-righteous? Its called self-delusion (and also psychiatric medication).

      Todd Lewis does not oppose non-western cultures because of “white disenfranchisement” whatever that means. He hates them also because his own culture is in the middle of committing mass suicide. When will Todd Lewis and his white people stop stuffing their face with Twinkies and watching reality television, and apologize for being the fattest idiot slobs in human history? The three hundred pound retarded white trash bitches with six children are all glossed over in a hypocritical and thinly veiled assault on Chinese buffet industry.

      Why is it that it always that it is always members of the the culture that has spread the ideology of Walt Disney and Walmart that lecture non-Europeans on their supposed cultural failures? It seems the moral of the story is only the white people are allowed to fill trailer parks full of retarded fat failures listening to the stupidest music ever invented, all on welfare for life. This sick joke would be funny if it were not taken so seriously by people.

      Christians like Todd Lewis were raping, murdering, looting and committing acts of child molestation against each other long before ISIS showed up to exterminate them. By Todd Lewis’s logic there was absolutely nothing wrong with this, since the Christians had already committed every crime, although not on such a vast scale. So why does he object? Its called hating success.

      Face it white people have no right to blame anyone else for their geno-suicide. None of their so called culture is theirs it is all stolen (from the Jews, greeks and Omaha, give that philosophy back and then we can talk), so if they can steal why cannot anyone actually get laid in the Dark Enlightenement? Why do you always circle the wagon and white genocide and imperialism?

      As always you fail to grapple with the latent hypocrisy of the whitey. They bitch and whine about “white genocide”, but are suddenly silent about the fact that this white race has smoked half the rainforests of South America in its crackpipe. When that wasn’t bad enough it invented crank. You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too.

      So your OK with an intellectual crackpot like William Lind blaming the collapse of the entire western intellectual tradition on a Jewish conspiracy, but are upset because the Mexicans stole all your food stamps. Again this is a bad joke. Learn Christianity 101 before you go around with such a viscous attitude towards other
      cultures when your own culture is the center of the Global Antichrist.

      If so called Anticommunists want to avoid being called libertards then stop blaming stupid bullshit like Polylogisms on marxism. Marxism only recognized one logic, the logic of the “working class”. Real Marxism was not multicultural or tolerant. Remember all the death camps? You could get taken away for getting a letter from Japan. Communism had no tolerance of other logics.

      So now Indian writes long essay against Marxism and it is part of “Marxist plot” to destroy white civilization. Meanwhile Ronald McDonald is smoking crack in the bathroom with Television Jesus banging on the door screaming “BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY”, and the Islamic State has Just pulled up into the drive through in a Uhaul truck.

      They aren’t here for the happy meal!

      When ever you open your mouth you spout the crap about your western civilization. What is it about having your white ass handed to you by Islamic “savages” with little more than Kalashnikovs and flip flops, again and again, do you not understand?

      Lastly you don’t like Americans being called genocidal monsters, but have failed to provide one peace of indigence why there are not, with absolutely know understanding of it.What about Hiroshima, CIA torture, McDonald’s happy meal cannibalism do you not understand as genocidal?

      Philo, you have become so occupied with heaping racist trolls on Facebook with your slave-morality that you cannot even recognize what an untermensch you are. You and your ilk have created an abomination. You deserve to be in the ass heap of history. You have given the world literally inversion. This “western civilization” becoming conscious of its inability to produce anything of beauty and value, seeks to destroy everything that is not Chuck E Cheese or professional wrestling.

      Do you really believe that somehow the dialectical march of western civilization is going to auto-magically deliver us into your glorious global Walmart Utopia? That will surely be the day! It is true that the dork enlightenment has infiltrated and neutered itself. But again, Hillary Clinton is an invention of the West. And of course, it took the public school systems to weaken the right so much that it pees all over itself. Can’t you see the hilarity of it all? We get defeated, again and again and again by third world savages with small arms, and yet believe that we control history A beautiful paradox. A suicide paradox.

      When the Pizza delivery man of history returns, there will be no one to congratulate but yourselves for the deep dish of Islamic state with extra Apocalypse. The chicken wings are not and never will be on your side. It doesn’t matter that you have a coupon. It is a fool’s errand. Do the retarded thing and pull the trigger again American, the game of roulette is almost over!

      • I think Todd would be just as critical of the slobbish, messy aspects of white culture that you outlined. I believe he has made the argument that such degeneracy is impossible or impractical wothout state subsidy. I personally take more of a live and let live approach. I imagine a lot of people would choose various levels of subsisting with good helpings of leisure time if left to their own devices.
        My big issue with charges of moral degeneracy and cultural backwardness is their use to legitimize organized theft and murder. Itherwise the entire debate is worthy if little more than eyerolls and a few yawns from me.

        • The point mainly is to turn his own bigotry back at him with equal viciousness.

          What would be much more interesting (getting back to the original topic) is what kind of internationalism or global allies (if any) modern militants in AIM are looking to, with the kind of above described Marxism being long dead.

      • Looks like someone mistakes mental masturbation for rational thought.

        BTW what ever rat ass constituency you represent you suck and are envious of your betters.

        “You deserve to be in the ass heap of history. You have given the world literally inversion. This “western civilization” becoming conscious of its inability to produce anything of beauty and value, seeks to destroy everything that is not Chuck E Cheese or professional wrestling.”

        What and the Lakota ever were. I did not know their were so many rats in the sewer? I guess rats like to congregate with each other.

        “When will Todd Lewis and his white people stop stuffing their face with Twinkies and watching reality television, and apologize for being the fattest idiot slobs in human history?”

        When will you assholes stop pretending to be revolutionaries and actually do something. Anarchists used to shoot heads of state know all you do is piss on the internet. What a step up. Do you losers have anything to compare with Bach, Michelangelo, Newton or Tolstoy? Silence. Thought so.

        “Christians like Todd Lewis were raping, murdering, looting and committing acts of child molestation against each other long before ISIS showed up to exterminate them.”

        I realize you are an idiot. Hey moron Romans and Jews killed Christians first and only after centuries did we respond in kind.

        You are so stupid that even if what you say were true, which it is not, would not change the fact that Russel Means is an ignorant asshole. So learn logic 101 before you start masturbating again.

      • ” By Todd Lewis’s logic there was absolutely nothing wrong with this, since the Christians had already committed every crime, although not on such a vast scale. So why does he object? Its called hating success.”

        Yes moron what has ISIS given us? Science? Art? Nothing. So stop being a fricking dipshit. Can you atleast muster the intellegence to actually perform a proper reductio ad absurdum? Given that what you call a brain is atrophied beyond repair I doubt it.

        As a usual miserable rat you are, having produced nothing and destroying everything you had success. Again use your brain, thought I doubt much of it is left at this point.

  8. Vince and Akira represent the last stages of a diseased body and mind. Utterly incapable of rational thought or discourse. They return to an infantile state shoddy logic and weak childish arguments. They are busy form a coalition of loser in an puerile effort to challenge the greatest civilization in history. No civilization has reached the heights of learning, literature, art and philosophy as the west. Having the likes of Russel Means discuss Western Philosophy is like having a child discuss the intricacies of a mechanical clock.

    The claims that the Lakota and or ISIS are remotely in the league of the US let alone Britain or France is so laughable it makes one wonder if their brains are working? Did the Lakota give us Lavoisier? No! Did ISIS give us Newton? No.

    Despite the fact that the west is sick it still dominates the world and when the mantel falls to Russia, China or India it will not be ISIS or the Lakota that pick up the pieces. Looking at the diseased mind of Akira one is almost driven to the point of pity. One has to ask oneself how does such a mind devolve into animal impotence? I guess chest-thumping about the magical eschaton of the sorellian strike and petty trash-talking is a good substitute for political action and results? Speaking of results what results of indiginous peoples of the New World had for over 500 years? Or Islamic peoples for over 250 years? Precious few. I guess childish internet blogs and magical beliefs are considered sound substitutes for political action and results. I’ll believe Vince and Akira mean business when I hear of cop shootings and political assassinations, but if that ever happened I suppose we would only see bloody stains left where those missguided enough to try such heroics.

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